So question for you all, after having vive for a while now would you still recommend it at this point in time? or would you say wait until software is more mature?
i'm very tempted by one but i cant help feel ill play with it for 10 mins then be bored
I've had mine since launch and it is still fantastic each time I use it. The VR gimmick still wears off lsightly over time as you knwo what to expect for VR games but I still tend to get fully immersed easily and totally lose my bearins to where I'm standing i the room etc.
The two biggest issues I've had is the time it takes to setup which is only 2-3 minutes if the game is all setup but can be 5-10 minutes for new games/other hardware setup like a wheel etc so it feels somewhat tedious to play after a long day at work.
Then secondly is the software, there are loads of great experiences for the VR but I still haven't really found a "game" something that I would play for a few hours over the weekend. The longest sessions I've had in VR have either been with holopoint (which I'm spent after 30-45mins..) or Live For Speed but as I can't get DSR working with LFS I find the resolution a little lacking.
So if you want to experience VR it is well worth it and you'll find new experiences each week but treat it is a gimmick. It is something similar to a racing wheel or flight stick, it might be something you setup and use every other weekend but isn't something you'll use daily.
If you've waited this long you may want to wait until early next year to see if anything gets announced at Steam Days (over the next 2 days) or CES next year. If you aren't dying to try VR I would maybe wait for the 2nd revision headsets for upgraded res/fov.