HTC Vive

With all the video, and positioning of the HMD as well, it needs the wires for a low enough latency as well as bandwidth. An active USB extender may work depending on how far away your PC is. The next room you could probably manage. Upstairs office to downstairs lounge room is probably infeasible.
If you google something like "steam vr extend box cables" you should get some hits, it seems people are already discussing and trying this.
Seems to be that you'd need the breakout box in the room with the HMD and only extend the cables between the PC and the box, for which you'd need USB and either HDMI or DP.

It does look like if you can get hold of a second box it might act as a repeater, helping you to extend it with out using active extenders but no idea how easy/cheap it would be to get a second box Vs getting active extensions.
Why is there no love for racing sims of the Vive?

Had a Google and cannot find support for Project CARS, Dirt Rally or Assetto Corsa yet.

Also this looks rather fun:

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Just FYI I have tried HTC Vive at a local PC World, cancelled Oculus pre-order and ordered Vive instead - it;s that good and can do anything that Oculus can (and more)
Looks like the major PC racing games either already have Rift working or have been working with Oculus for some time.

The Vive will no doubt get racing games, but the Vive is more suited to its own strengths, which are when you are stood and allowing the sensors to do their work.
Going for a demo on Tuesday in Bolton.

Should be some release day reviews for the Rift by then.

The only thing I do not like about buying the Vive is that unless you buy from them direct there is no way to buy it online, only in store with a demo first thus forfeiting DSR/CCR/distance selling protection since you have tried and bought. If not then via HTC you get stung buy extortionate postage costs.
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Good news the consumer version has a few extras over the Vive Pre.

Most importantly BT enabled base stations that can be updated over the air and power management via BT.

Thank god for that, I was thinking I'd have to detach the lighthouse boxes from the ceiling each time they needed an update :o So does the consumer breakout box do Bluetooth as well then?

Had already heard about power management, so I don't think the in-line switches people have been buying will be needed.
Ive actually cancelled ,my Vive preorder now.

Nearly £800.... Im sure this will come down in price once others come on board...
Cant justify the price...
Great video showing off some Vive demos, Budget Cuts around 30 minutes in looks really fun. Worth watching just that segment...

That moment at 43:28 :D

I'm seriously thinking about getting one of these now. I was thinking about waiting until resolutions get better but room scale VR looks too damn awesome. I'll maybe try and get a demo when I'm in London in a couple of weeks (if it hasn't gone viral by then).
You'll be waiting a couple years at least by then you would have missed all the fun :)

Yep, it's a bit like the early web, even though it was slow on dialup I couldn't imagine missing those years. I just need to make sure I don't get motion sickness, I'll know within a few seconds though.
Did you ever try nVidia's 3D Vision? When it worked despite the heavy glasses, special monitor requirements, reduce brightness, constant driver updates and patches etc. you get the idea it was the best gaming experience I've had.

Especially with something like Skyrim as the depth perception looking down the tunnels was almost mesmerizing and genuinely helped with aiming.

Anyway I'm not expecting the full open world experience just yet but the feeling of immersion despite the current limitations will be enough for me to invest in the development.
Great video showing the SteamVR tutorial, I guess it's a potential spoiler but I enjoyed watching it. This may be what I put anyone trying my Vive through first...

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