Went to PCWorld in reading to try the vive - all booked up. From what I had read it sounded like it was a turn up and queue for a 10 minute demo but they were taking bookings for set times in 30 minute slots.
Oh well, going to head back on monday as they reckon it'll be empty and should have no problem getting atleast half an hour on the vive. Shame OCUK aren't closer to me. It's an hours drive to reading as it is.
They have it at the Reading PC World? Cool that's like 20mins from me!
Yep, I visited there this morning and had a go. I didn't need to book though, it was quiet when I turned up. Very happy with the demo I had, glad i've got one on order. Seated experiences simply cannot compare All aboard the hype train!! Choo choo!
Yep, I visited there this morning and had a go. I didn't need to book though, it was quiet when I turned up. Very happy with the demo I had, glad i've got one on order. Seated experiences simply cannot compare All aboard the hype train!! Choo choo!
Did you post on Reddit about this? Saw someone else on /r/vive say they were at the Reading PC World this morning too, apparently there has been around 17 Rift cancellations mentioned to the HTC Rep in that store so far lol.
Yup just finished my demo there. It was GREAT. I don't know how people would keep their Rift orders after trying room scale. It was mesmerising!
Simple fact is a lot of simulation games don't need roomscale, and from reports, the Rift has ever so slightly better optics with less SDE.
Room scale stuff seems massively fun, and I'm sure you can get lost in the moment with regards to SDE and what not, but if you want the crispest detail you can in a simulation, the Rift makes sense.
Some people don't have the room space for Roomscale stuff either, so why spend extra money on product when it has a feature you won't use.
Another thing that has been mentioned in the built in audio in the Rift, and how having a gold standard to work to, it helps developers build audio exactly as they want it, so people will hear it as the developer intended. When you have a vast array of headsets that people are likely to be using, it's difficult to produce audio that'll be the same for every user.
There is some good information here, someone broke the NDA and it has been summarised nicely comparing all three headsets.
I'm in a very fortunate position to be able to afford both, and I am a VRVirgin, so I cannot wait until either product is delivered, I hold no bias for or against either product, and can't wait to have both.
Got back to reading today and manage to try the vive after lunch. Managed to turn up as the guy had gone to McDonalds but only had to wait half an hour. Very impressed with the tracking and being able to grab the controllers when they're handed to you - they appear in VR exactly where they are in real life. Having only tried cardboard with it's jerky head tracking it was nice how smooth everything was. Managed to take the clock off the wall in job simulator and balance it on top of the wall.
I did start to get a little bit tangled in the wire but not enough to hamper playing or moving around but I was aware of it around my feet. Very weird to look down to try and see where it is and not see any legs either - VR games definitely need legs when you look down.
The rendering of the controllers is also very good, the trigger even moves in the game as you press it which was a nice touch so there's no disconnect between holding a controller but seeing something else which helps with immersion. Though tbh it wasn't that bad in job simulator with the hands immersion wise. Sure resolution could be better and there's SDE if you look, but once you start playing you quickly forget about it, and it's high enough that you can read text in the centre of the screen - no chance of reading it towards the edge of the screen though.
Felt very comfortable to wear, can be hard to tell from just 10-15 minutes but it certainly felt like it would be comfortable to wear for a few hours. FOV was fine, sure you can look to the side and see the edge but if you look with your head and keep eyes forward you don't notice it. Even looking around the screen there's enough FOV to not feel like you're looking through tubes. I'd rather see resolution increase before FOV does anyway.
The chaperone works well. Simple yet effective with just a transparent grid that fades in when you near the edge of the playing area.
The only thing I agree with there is the headphones for the Oculus Rift being a major plus point. As for room scale not working well in simulation games? Well who said you HAD to use room scale? Seated games still work on Vive, no matter what Oculus would like you to believe.
No I know seating works fine on the Vive, but of all the reports I've read, people have been saying that the display quality is greater on the Rift, not by a lot, granted, but it's still better.
What I was getting at is if you don't have the space for room scale VR, then why spend the extra when you can get a Rift that was developed for a primarily seated experience for the time being, that has slightly better optics, and save yourself a few hundred quid.
Because you have the choice to have either. My worry is that if you end up moving and getting the space for room scale then you'd have to buy the Oculus controllers/room scale and with Palmer Luckey not releasing a price and reports suggesting around £300 for that stuff, then I would think the Vive is the better value and quality VR experience.
man with a massive penis on Tilt Brush ...