I've made a thread in General Hardware about my cousin upgrading his PC for the Vive, but thought I'd ask a few questions in here as well since people visiting here may not visit GH.
He currently has:
i5 3550 @ 3.8 (non-K version, can't really overclock it much)
R9 390
He's getting performance problems in Vive games and is wanting to upgrade his CPU to an i7 6700k (and overclock it). Is the 390 capable of running the current VR games smoothly if he upgrades his CPU? Should he already be able to run most stuff smoothly, and there's a problem somewhere else?
Some of the stuff that doesn't run well (names may not be entirely accurate, you should be able to guess what game I mean though
Brookhaven, I tried this and it had awful input delay, guessing it was like 45fps or something, the delay seemed huge.
Zombie target simulator, This is fine most of the time, but when there's a lot of zombies it can drop frames.
Some Disney video thing lags, but I had a look online and it runs at 30 fps or something? So I guess that feels laggy no matter what?
Tilt Brush, this lags when he makes a big image/scene/whatever you call them.
TheBlu, I think everyone has frame drops with this? so upgrading won't necessarily help?
Job Simulator, runs fairly well now that he has put his heatsink on properly (2 of the feet weren't all the way in so it was overheating and downclocking itself to like 2.6
), but it's still not entirely smooth.
Cloudlands Golf, same as Job Sim, runs pretty well, but still not entirely smooth.
The lab, 2 of the games are a bit laggy, not sure which 2, I played the archery one and it was fine iirc, so not that one.
Out of Ammo, runs very poorly (I found out earlier that this is made by Dean Hall, the DayZ dude, so not surprised that this runs like
**** ).
Anyone able to give their opinion on any of these games with similar hardware?
Edit: I can't remember what he's using but he's tried direct mode on and off and reprojection on and off and is just using whichever gives him the best performance, although that may not necessarily be the "correct" mode.
I did see something about how you shouldn't have the window on your monitor overlapping something else, unfortunately he's on holiday atm so I can't get him to see if this is an issue, he's also wanting me to order parts before he gets back