See, this is the problem, he'll get a couple of dropped frames and complain about it. Obviously some games are worse than others but with Job Sim for example it'll run at what looks like 88ish, maybe 85 FPS with reprojection off (looking at how often there are frame drops on the SteamVR thing), reprojection on seems to feels worse when there are frame drops, at least on the games that he has tried.
I'm worried that even buying a new CPU will result in disappointment because it's never going to run completely perfectly with zero dropped frames as far as I can tell, which is what he's expecting.
Is there a way to tell fps of games other than just trying to count how many dropped frames there are per second on the SteamVR options thing? We've tried running stuff with Afterburner open and we're not sure what fps that is actually showing, it will regularly show higher than 90fps for example. I think if we have the normal game window open it will show 90 max, if we have mirror open it will show 135 max or something (maybe adding 45 mirror to 90 windows app together or something?). It's hard to remember exactly but it's something like that.
With how close the games seem to run to 90fps (on the games that do run close to 90) I'm not even entirely sure it's purely an fps issue, rather a tracking issue or he's just expecting it to feel like real life and that just isn't how it feels, that it will always feel a bit slower/jerkier than life?
Edit: He doesn't get motion sickness or anything, even when I tried Brookhaven and it was running at like 45fps with insane input delay I didn't get motion sick, it just felt horrible in the same way that playing the beta for FF14 or whatever it was was horrible with it's 0.5 second input delay.
This really is a tough one. Might sound like he'll notice even the smallest blip whereas I don't.
I do run FRAPS that displays in my keyboard LCD screen so I can see what the graph is doing (but having to take the headset off to check ) but I don't even bother with that as everything is good enough for me.
I did overclock the 290 a wee bit but nothing drastic.