How long did you last?
I lasted a month. I could have went longer but my GF wanted us to go out to dinner with her family. I have 3 scoops for breakfast and 3 mid afternoon with some fruit in between. I have meat and veg for dinner.
How long did you last?
I'm still happily having Huel and have even upped the amount per day. Two mixes of 150g unflavoured with 8g Cadbury drinking chocolate (~640cals) occasionally being topped up with water, drunk while at work. I've also been having a small mix most nights so I stop munching biscuits, bread etc. I do give it a quick blend as I've found just using a mixer ball and shaking isn't enough. It surprises me how many seem to enjoy the vanilla. The free sample I tried was sickly sweet no matter how much water I added.
I actually prefer the Original over the new Vanilla because the new one, the vanilla flavour tastes a bit too articificial. Maybe get a bag of Original to compare.
Haven't tried any of the flavour pouches so can't comment on those! But for £3 I might get it next batch.
Anybody got a referral code they'd like me to use?! Cheers.