Huel: The Future of Food ..

I tried Huel recently. Just couldn't get on with it. Really wanted to stay on it but it was tying my stomach in knots. Its a she, dodnt find the flavour bad at all though I didn't get to experiment much outside of the sample pack to huel flavours.
After trying Huel for a month initially I tried My Proteins version and I find it far better. Tastes great and is a fraction of the price.
I'm the opposite, the only thing the MP one is better for is the price. Tastes sickly and artificial, uses cheaper ingredients & doesn't mix as well.
I'm the opposite, the only thing the MP one is better for is the price. Tastes sickly and artificial, uses cheaper ingredients & doesn't mix as well.

I find the whole foods mixes much easier than Huel. Always have to use a blender with the Huel I have had in the past.

Whole Fuel is 50% off if you like the vanilla flavour using FLASH50

Just got 5kgs for £32 delivered :D

And I just bought some for 40% off a few days ago :( Ah, well.
Just had my first experience of Whole Fuel vanilla, using 50g of powder with 250g of water and blended in a Nutribullet.

It's actually really nice! I am an unashamed lover of vanilla and this is perfect for me - not too sweet, not too sickly and with a little oaty background note to it. Tastes like a delicious milkshake. I'd drink it even if it wasn't something to help a balanced diet, etc.

What are your ratios, guys and girls? Any tips for me? I'm looking to lose weight anyway but this is more of a breakfast and/or lunch replacement, depending on my schedule. I'll always eat a proper, healthy dinner... but I graze/snack throughout the day and need something to keep me from doing that.
Okay, so there's definitely an aftertaste of artificial sweetener. Not unpleasant, just not what I'm used to as I never touch the stuff if I can help it.

Still pretty tasty though. Huel would have to be extremely different for me to consider it at the RRP.
Just had my first experience of Whole Fuel vanilla, using 50g of powder with 250g of water and blended in a Nutribullet.

It's actually really nice! I am an unashamed lover of vanilla and this is perfect for me - not too sweet, not too sickly and with a little oaty background note to it. Tastes like a delicious milkshake. I'd drink it even if it wasn't something to help a balanced diet, etc.

What are your ratios, guys and girls? Any tips for me? I'm looking to lose weight anyway but this is more of a breakfast and/or lunch replacement, depending on my schedule. I'll always eat a proper, healthy dinner... but I graze/snack throughout the day and need something to keep me from doing that.

If eating Huel/WF alone I would always use enough powder that you're getting above 20-25g protein per serving - so the usual 100g powder is what I typically use myself, and the lower end of the liquid recommendation to make it as thick as possible whilst still being drinkable.

As for weight loss, take your bodyweight in pounds and multiply it by 10-12 (lower end if inactive, higher end if active) to get a rough calorie target. Adhere to that with sensible food choices and track your weight, aiming for 1% loss of total bodyweight a week. If you're going slower than that, reduce calories, faster than that, increase calroies.

Hunger is inevitable when dieting (because dieting is controlled starvation and your body doesn't know you live in a world of virtually unlimited food availability), but a couple of ways to mitigate it are seeking out low calorie/high volume food options whenever possible, padding out meals with salad/leafy green veg and making sure your protein intake is sufficiently high, since it's both the most satiating macronutrient and also the most important when in a calorie restricted state (since it's what most of your body is made up of and what you also want to avoid losing).

Also consider your food environment and why you snack/graze; if you have snacks and things lying around within easy reach then it makes it more likely you'll end up eating them v.s. putting them out of sight/mind and knowing what you're going to eat in advance that day by doing some meal planning. Having meals that give you a feeling of fullness (on lower calories it's often better to have fewer, larger meals because of this) can help as does keeping yourself distracted to avoid boredom-eating if that's a problem for you.
Got my 5kgs of vanilla, and mixed in 1kg of Vegan Blend to lower the carb ratio a bit.

Blitzed in the blender and it is yummy as hell, like a slightly less sweet (owing to the unflavoured Vegan Blend I guess) vanilla angel delight.
Five days in with Whole Fuel and I'm still enjoying the experience. As Somnambulist alluded to, the craving for food/snacks is mainly mental - I'm feeling fuller for longer with the WF and it is affording me the ability to have the occasional naughty meal and still stay within a sensible calorie count.

For anyone who might be interested, I did a day of Huel yesterday (two servings) as a chap in my office wanted to do a swap. The only thing it has going for it is that it is less sweet. It tastes of nothing at all (this was vanilla) and has a much grainier, bitty texture and a horrid chalky aftertaste. I struggled to drink it and did not enjoy it whatsoever. Back on WF today and as I alluded to before, it is like a milkshake. Think of a sugar-free vanilla Frijj shake and you're there.

Next time WF is on 50% off, can someone post in here, please? I'm wanting to stock up!
Tried some of the chocolate whole fuel and it is much better than the vanilla I had before, for starters it mixed much better and tasted a lot less artificial. Still prefer huel though!
Going to bite the bullet on some chocolate Whole Fuel. I'm getting a bit fed up of products being overly sweet though. Sweetener is a horrible thing, and is often overdone (Like Lucozade Sport, has sugar AND sweetener). Even the Huel flavour sachets have a horrible sweetener aftertaste that I'm just not a fan of. I hope chocolate Whole Fuel is better. On a side note, has anyone tried something called Solo? Seems to be a higher protein content version of Huel, gluten free and vegan in one version:
Going to bite the bullet on some chocolate Whole Fuel. I'm getting a bit fed up of products being overly sweet though. Sweetener is a horrible thing, and is often overdone (Like Lucozade Sport, has sugar AND sweetener). Even the Huel flavour sachets have a horrible sweetener aftertaste that I'm just not a fan of. I hope chocolate Whole Fuel is better. On a side note, has anyone tried something called Solo? Seems to be a higher protein content version of Huel, gluten free and vegan in one version:

Also, @glitch if you're fast, Whole Fuel will be about 45% off until 12:30. MyProtein doing their countdown from 50% off.
Ah, lovely - thanks. Have ordered a resupply and grabbed some chocolate as well.

FWIW I find the taste of vanilla fine but have taken to adding a little dollop of vanilla bean paste which completely hides all the artificial sweetener taste.

I have some choc from a friend and that is really nice, so I’d say you can’t go wrong either way.
I don't use that brand myself, but it is pretty much identical to what I do - just has less vanilla bean in than my choice.

Only need a pea-sized amount and it makes the 'shake' taste amazing. No trace of artificial sweetener and no aftertaste either.
Sure; either Taylor & Colledge or Littlepod. The tubes are what you want to go for as it makes adding to anything a lot easier.

Always use both in my cooking and found them to be great quality products.
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