Are most people using the vanilla stuff and adding a banana etc for more flavour?
There's a tonne of ways to mix it up. Plain vanilla (tastes more malty than vanilla, like Horlicks) with ice is good as it is. Frozen fruit makes it taste like a nice smoothy. The amount of water/no. of scoops makes a big difference too, as does how long you leave it before eating. If you have a shake straight after blending it will be more watery, leave it for half a day and it thickens out. Over the last year I've tried pretty much every combo going, including cooking with it, and genuinely enjoy it. Here's a bunch of recipes if anyone's interested:
I do everything with a nutribullet in the standard cup size (24oz/680ml) as, if you fill it right to the very top with Huel, water, fruit etc, it fills a normal protein shaker. Super handy if you're making food for the day. From my calorie cheat sheet:
1 scoop = 38g = 157 calories
2 scoops = 76g = 314 calories
3 scoops = 114g = 471 calories
4 scoops = 152g = 628 calories
I tend to have either 3 or 4 scoops with that amount of water. The latter, if you leave it for half a day, goes real thick like Fridge milkshake and is super filling. These days I do Huel for breakfast and lunch mon-friday, but have done a full month of 100% Huel. That was super tough btw! Not because of feeling hungry, but a weird primal urge to bite something! This is all while training 5-6 times a week and gains have been solid. It's not for everyone, but as you can tell I think the stuff's a godsend if you want to eat well and don't have the time/inclination to plan, shop, prep and count calories for most meals. And also taste good. I'll take a Huel smoothy over the majority of clean meals taste wise.