Huel: The Future of Food ..

There are a plethora of other proteins, veg and carbs you can be eating instead of broccoli, sweet pots and chicken.

Are you not just being lazy?
There are a plethora of other proteins, veg and carbs you can be eating instead of broccoli, sweet pots and chicken.

Are you not just being lazy?

Sure - that's just an example of a meal I was having before when trying to eat clean and, in my experience at least, a meal like that isn't as good as Huel. Especially in terms of feeling full (which is as important to me as getting the right nutrients when cutting). You're right, though - this is partly down to laziness and I could add different types veg, plan each meal and calorie count, but it's a lot of work and doesn't fit with my lifestyle. With Huel my breakfast and lunch is prepped, prepared and calories counted within 5 minutes each morning.

I had one scoop with a banana this morning, was lovely.

Same, but was 4 scoops with a banana. And some ice - ice does wonders!
Order placed this morning using the referral code, you should hopefully get a £5 discount, as I did :)

Awesome, I have one week worth but see if I can do a full month on it so need to order more. Seeing how my diet was before and the Christmas binge of eating out and alcohol, my body is certainly appreciating it.

That and realising how much time I spend a week shopping for food and prepping it, along with doing the dishes after. Not a long term solution to anything but nice way to kick start a better lifestyle.
Same, but was 4 scoops with a banana. And some ice - ice does wonders!

I'll have to give it a try, I use about 500ml water with 3 scoops and 450ml with 1/2.

I have noticed a dramatic increase in flatulence since I started it, so has my wife :D
I'll have to give it a try, I use about 500ml water with 3 scoops and 450ml with 1/2.

I have noticed a dramatic increase in flatulence since I started it, so has my wife :D

It goes away in time :D

The banana and ice combo sounds good :D I've just been adding in some flav drops to mix it up when things get dull.
I have noticed a dramatic increase in flatulence since I started it, so has my wife :D

haha - try mixing it with egg white powder. The result is truly ungodly!

Like reiyushin said - it goes away soon enough. Everyone I know who's tried Huel has experienced the same thing. It's an initiation!
Order rocked up this morning and made myself a shake for breakfast, doesn't taste remotely like vanilla :p

At first I thought they may have sent me the unflavoured version but it smells like vanilla, just doesn't taste like it, just tastes bland. That's good enough though, providing it doesn't taste bad it's all good.
Order rocked up this morning and made myself a shake for breakfast, doesn't taste remotely like vanilla :p

At first I thought they may have sent me the unflavoured version but it smells like vanilla, just doesn't taste like it, just tastes bland. That's good enough though, providing it doesn't taste bad it's all good.

It's great with ice/frozen fruit. Absolutely blend it!
Back on this today after a 3 week break.

I like the vanilla flavour as is. To me it simply tastes like porridge which I like so hey ho.

I'm tempted to try this. Seems like a solid pick for breakfast/lunches.

Struggling to sort out a healthy breakfast currently, then again, I could just have porridge. Just a bit worried about the flatulence...

Are most people using the vanilla stuff and adding a banana etc for more flavour?
I've never noticed a change in my flatulence on Huel, maybe if I'd gone 100% Huel possibly, but I only have two during the day, 11:30 and 15:00.

I use the unflavoured unsweetend version and add a spoonful of hot chocolate to add a slight flavour.

It's trial and error with flavours and thickness to find what you like, I don't like it too thin or too thick compared to what I normally have it at.
I find for me adding more water is better.

This morning I had 1 scoop with a banana and 500ml of water and it was nicer texture.

I think I'm going to try 2 scoops for lunch as 3 fills me up I struggle to finish it, then either have the extra mid morning or mid afternoon.

I'm using the Vanilla flavour, I like it.
Are most people using the vanilla stuff and adding a banana etc for more flavour?

There's a tonne of ways to mix it up. Plain vanilla (tastes more malty than vanilla, like Horlicks) with ice is good as it is. Frozen fruit makes it taste like a nice smoothy. The amount of water/no. of scoops makes a big difference too, as does how long you leave it before eating. If you have a shake straight after blending it will be more watery, leave it for half a day and it thickens out. Over the last year I've tried pretty much every combo going, including cooking with it, and genuinely enjoy it. Here's a bunch of recipes if anyone's interested:

I do everything with a nutribullet in the standard cup size (24oz/680ml) as, if you fill it right to the very top with Huel, water, fruit etc, it fills a normal protein shaker. Super handy if you're making food for the day. From my calorie cheat sheet:

1 scoop = 38g = 157 calories
2 scoops = 76g = 314 calories
3 scoops = 114g = 471 calories
4 scoops = 152g = 628 calories

I tend to have either 3 or 4 scoops with that amount of water. The latter, if you leave it for half a day, goes real thick like Fridge milkshake and is super filling. These days I do Huel for breakfast and lunch mon-friday, but have done a full month of 100% Huel. That was super tough btw! Not because of feeling hungry, but a weird primal urge to bite something! This is all while training 5-6 times a week and gains have been solid. It's not for everyone, but as you can tell I think the stuff's a godsend if you want to eat well and don't have the time/inclination to plan, shop, prep and count calories for most meals. And also taste good. I'll take a Huel smoothy over the majority of clean meals taste wise.
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