Hurricane - Irma

We've got loads of people from Florida staying at our hotel in Mississippi escaping the hurricane. They are all loud, have at least 6 kids, are all wearing nuclear bright t-shirts, caps on back to front, smoke like chimneys and all carry small yappy dogs under their arms. Cant wait for this hurricane to be over so they can go back so I can get some peace ...
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Another couple of ********* out for a walk on the CNN Naples feed. Trying to show how 'macho' they are :rolleyes:

EDIT: Apologies mods - didn't realise that counted as bad language :(
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I notice the wind behind the CNN reporter in Naples has changed direction, opposite to what it was....the water will now come crashing back very soon.
I am actually impressed they manage to keep broadcasting in this. Must be using portable generators but how on earth they get the signals out I don't know.
Who is going to pay the bill for these multi-billion damages?

Let's hope these environmental disasters are not the cause for the worldwide economic recessions and crisis.
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