Hyundai ImageQuest L90D+ 19" TFT

Originally posted by Gareth 78
It seems that the L90D+ has experienced a few teething problems but it seems that you guys may have got hold of some of the monitors from the first batch straight out of the manufacturing plant in Korea.

Would any of you guys be interested in attending a testing day where a couple of L90D+s will be hooked up to a couple of PCs and consoles?

That sounds like a good laugh :)
Depends on where it would be!
I'm just really surprised that nobody else has noticed the colour banding on it. I wasn't looking for it but saw it straight away and assumed it was a driver issue or something. I'd like to know more about which part of the manufacturing process deals with the dithering and so whether its an issue of the panel creator or the final manufacturer. I'd definitely base my next purchase on this, if the issue hasn't been solved by then. I could well imagine 8-bit TN panels in a year or two though.

Btw i bought a £40 Supra 2m DVI cable and I thought it cleaned up the image clarity on the Hyundai over the stock cable. I know doing that is not everyone's cup of tea and £40 buys a fair bit of something else but I like the improvement. I noticed it with the ingame text in World of Warcraft too. It's a cable that will last me anyway plus the 1m was a bit short.
can you post your jpeg that shows the colour banding? - I haven't really noticed it on this monitor, but have on others.

I'm using the dvi cable off my old hitachi monitor (due to shear laziness - it was plugged in where I wanted it :)), so whether that makes a difference or not I don't know.
Cheers, I'll have to wait till I get home to try it on my L90D+. As I said, I hadn't really noticed any issues like that from general use.

Just looked on my ACER AL1912 at work, and it hardly seems to suffer, except for the bottom black bit. Had a look on a good crt, to see what it should look like too :)

Just used that jpg on my monitor and very little banding at all - and i'm a nightmare for noticing stuff on monitors...

Tried the drivers, colour profiles etc off of the disk that came with the mon?
Yeah, just got home and had a look, and its far better than my ACER1912 at work, hardly noticeable. I'll grab a digicam and try to do a photo. Not got a decent digicam to take a photo with, so can't do that.

Just tried the standard cable, as you mentioned yours being poor quality, and it seems to be about the same image quality as my hitachi cable. It really had me worried though, as my monitor developed a lazy pixel when I swapped cables, a bit of massaging and it went away. Hope that never happens again :o
H'mmm so not only did you think the Acer was good, but your Hyundai is even better! Ack, what's going on with my Hyundai then? As my less-picky mate next to me just said 'they'd definitely notice your banding'.

I'll play with drivers (I used the ones from the CD) but I really need to see another Hyundai to be sure. At the moment it looks like I've either got a faulty TFT or a 'version 1.0 special' with poopier components. Meh.
Originally posted by Coldwired
H'mmm so not only did you think the Acer was good, but your Hyundai is even better! Ack, what's going on with my Hyundai then? As my less-picky mate next to me just said 'they'd definitely notice your banding'.

I'll play with drivers (I used the ones from the CD) but I really need to see another Hyundai to be sure. At the moment it looks like I've either got a faulty TFT or a 'version 1.0 special' with poopier components. Meh.

Maybe someone could arrange to show your theirs?
Just borrowed a digicam to get photos of this - Theres a very slight band across on mine about 3/4 way down, which is imo much more noticeable on the photos that in real life, but other than that it looks pretty much the same.

Got some others, but due to the size haven't uploaded them. Not got anything to resize with other than paint, and I think that resizing them adds in a load of banding, cos it starts to look worse :/

putting this one up as well, as i think it's clearer.
Originally posted by RoboStac
Just borrowed a digicam to get photos of this - Theres a very slight band across on mine about 3/4 way down, which is imo much more noticeable on the photos that in real life, but other than that it looks pretty much the same.

Got some others, but due to the size haven't uploaded them. Not got anything to resize with other than paint, and I think that resizing them adds in a load of banding, cos it starts to look worse :/

Whats that red line going down the left border?
im as confused as ever , with all this banding thingy,s ,dead pixels , tn panels etc i still cant make up my mind my 17"crt is looking good at the moment i just want the perfact tft so that i can convince myself that iv did the right thing spending £400 .
Mate get a ViewSonic vx912, you will not regret it, Its the best monitor I have ever bought.

I am surprised, because I was very worried about spending all this money on a lcd, that wasnt going to be as good as a crt, or so I thought. The only downside is dark areas/rooms when in half-life 2 and games like that, but that improves quite a bit as the lcd gets run in.. Like after having the lcd for 2 weeks or so, you will have noticed that the quality will have improved.. strange I know but true. Plus a 19inch lcd screen is quite abit larger then a 19inch crt.

Its been my best buy for a long time

P.S. I would recommend you getting some software to turn the desktop brightness down without touching the 3d game brightness, if ya get me?.
Hmm even more interesting!!
I've just saved your jpeg RoboStac and altho i can't guarantee it (it's really bright in this conservatory) there appeared to be little banding. I would say that maybe Photoshop had done something to the jpeg, except that it looks fine on a friends Iiyama. When the bloody sun moves around the house I might get a chance to look properly!
Having thought about it, won't a jpeg of something that bands on yours be affected by banding on yours?

And yes, theres a small amount of banding, but nothing like what your photo shows.
I have a crt here which i've been using for a control but yeah you have to be careful about the issue when the monitor is possibly at fault. I created the jpeg knowing that whatever it displays like here, the actual image is a full colour, non-banded image.

When i saw your jpeg i immediately thought that my photoshop image was at fault because the XP picture viewer was showing yours fine. but that cant be as i have seen it OK elsewhere.

Bloody sun, go away! I can't see jack in here :)
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