I am Godzilla. You are Japan.

I really don't think you can compare the GTR to Ferraris and Porsches.

Something like a 911 GT2 is arguably more of a driver's car.


It's a new breed of motor. It's very much like (sorry I know this phrase has been done to death on internet forums) a Playstation on wheels, as many critics and test drivers have stated.

Really? I'd say 99% of the Playstation comments were from those internet test pilots that had not driven a GT-R and based their opinion on the tech spec sheet and not actually experiencing the dynamics of driving the car. Now the majority of auto-journalists have driven the car, that argument sort of died a death some time ago.

It's definitely a head turner but I think the ladies would still be a lot more impressed if you turned up in an Aston, Lambo etc...



Someone else thought of it first... ;)

:D Yeah.


Have a read of the Dale Lomas piece in PC a couple of months back. To unlock the full potential of the car you have to drive through where the computer controlled limits appear to be and really push the vehicle.

Or just flick a few switches. Have not seen this article, any chance of a link? Ta.
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It's definitely a head turner but I think the ladies would still be a lot more impressed if you turned up in an Aston, Lambo etc

Your a chump if you think nice cars are what ladies go for, that is just a marketing myth used to sell cars to guys who cant get girls.
Your a chump if you think nice cars are what ladies go for, that is just a marketing myth used to sell cars to guys who cant get girls.

Just because you drive a girly car (im aware mine is probably even more girly)......

On a more serious note I would agree with you, on the whole its rubbish. Im sure there are some WAG wannabees that match nice flash car with money but its only a small ammount. I saw my first GTR week or so back, some serious presence on the road and sounded pretty awesome.
[TW]Fox;13988035 said:
This. The sort of girl you could pull with a car isnt worth having anyway.

Well, lets not make a blanket statement like that, we could all do with a night with and certain celebrity.

Soon as I find one who can appreciate the solid rugged engine that is the Pegeout XND I'm sorted.
Ah I love yoof debating the merits of women’s minds, at 41 I am still MILES from understanding em and I've plenty of experience to call on! ;)

FACT is that many women classy and not can be attracted by a car often subconsciously if they are into such things same as they can be attracted by personality, charisma, looks, bling, money, big winkys, soft shoes, glasses, hair and LOADS of other stuff. It doesn't do to pigeonhole things as often the truth sits in the middle somewhere. People who buy cars to attract women are clots however and they will usually attract the gold digger women as they will be so bloody overt in their car porning that it will have the wrong types flocking like flies around dumps.

For clarity I met my wife when I had a Cavalier....about 5 stone ago :D
Ah I love yoof debating the merits of women’s minds, at 41 I am still MILES from understanding em and I've plenty of experience to call on! ;)

The fact you even got married says all it needs to about your failings of understanding women brosef :p ;)

FACT is that many women classy and not can be attracted by a car often subconsciously if they are into such things same as they can be attracted by personality, charisma, looks, bling, money, big winkys, soft shoes, glasses, hair and LOADS of other stuff. It doesn't do to pigeonhole things as often the truth sits in the middle somewhere. People who buy cars to attract women are clots however and they will usually attract the gold digger women as they will be so bloody overt in their car porning that it will have the wrong types flocking like flies around dumps.

This is pretty accurate, I would say that it wasn't the car that was doing the attraction, it was what the car represented, and then you need an awful lot to back it up.

If you pull up in a Ferrari you may indeed get allot of female attention, but if that is all you got and you then drive back to your parents house you will not be showing said female said room.
I think that if i had a Ferrari, or indeed i ever do buy a car of the sort, it would stay under lock and key hidden away - and brought out only for personal use after a relationship had been established and would be shrug off as to not portray me as a typical ferrari/sports car nerd.

I truly cannot think of anything more embarrassing than to turn up to a first date in something like that, the notion that it would actually "pull" a girl seems bizarre to me - cars like this are a bit geeky if anything arent they?
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