I am Godzilla. You are Japan.

I think that if i had a Ferrari, or indeed i ever do buy a car of the sort, it would stay under lock and key hidden away - and brought out only for personal use after a relationship had been established and would be shrug off as to not portray me as a typical ferrari/sports car nerd.

I truly cannot think of anything more embarrassing than to turn up to a first date in something like that, the notion that it would actually "pull" a girl seems bizarre to me - cars like this are a bit geeky if anything arent they?

I think you are worrying way too much squire. Clean pair of tighties and a shave should do as a good first impression. I couldn't be arsed if my car comes across in a certain way or not to women, at the end of the day, if you are a car-bore, she's going to find out. My missus clocked my number pretty early on, she had to ask me to remove my stringbacks to pass her the bread.
I think you are worrying way too much squire. Clean pair of tighties and a shave should do as a good first impression. I couldn't be arsed if my car comes across in a certain way or not to women, at the end of the day, if you are a car-bore, she's going to find out. My missus clocked my number pretty early on, she had to ask me to remove my stringbacks to pass her the bread.

True, that :D My latest "conquest" shares my passion, thank god.
Utterly stunning.

I'll buy one when I win the 80 odd million on the Euro lottery today. :cool:
I truly cannot think of anything more embarrassing than to turn up to a first date in something like that, the notion that it would actually "pull" a girl seems bizarre to me - cars like this are a bit geeky if anything arent they?

Depends, I doubt Paris Hilton or Rinaldo are driving round in them because they are car geeks :p
Pffft. Nevermind Ferraris, Porsches, GTRs and the like, women for miles around get moist when they see a 30-something bald overweight man driving an 80's Hot-Hatch that looks like it escpaped from the 'Readers Rides' section of Max Power circa 1995.

I'm literally fighting them off :cool:
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You guys do realise the Lambo/Aston comment was meant in jest? Nice of you to quote what I said missing out the ":D" at the end.
True, that :D My latest "conquest" shares my passion, thank god.

same here, my other half made me turn round so we could find out what car wed passed parked up

Turns out the bloke had a Maserati Gran Turismo and Maserati Quatroporte on his drive.

Missus had never seen the granturismo before, and even she commented how good it looks.
Hehe, my girl is into bikes, Japanese sports bikes really. She appreciates nice cars though, but she doesn't have a passion for them like she does bikes. I can't understand 2 wheeled transport at all, the only ones that attract me in any way what so ever are big Harleys and cruisers like that, stuff you can sit back on and wear aviators ...and blind people with your chrome :)

I always worry that she will wind up dead in a ditch some day, riding a bike, I knew someone who did :( ...and he did not ride like a nutter either, far from it, he had a wife and kids and was quite a sensible chap.

Anyway, what the hell am I on about now, on a positive note, the weather is nice today :D
[TW]Fox;13988035 said:
This. The sort of girl you could pull with a car isnt worth having anyway.

Not worth having for the rest of your life? Absoultely not.

Worth having for the rest of your night? Most likely! :D
GTR = Awesome, sick car, but at the end of the day it ain't pretty. It's also the Tesco Value of supercars :D
Aston/Lambo etc = Beautiful car.

I'd love to get a GTR and drive around with my trance music on full blast. I'd also like to drive an Aston with some classical notes on.
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