I don't understand the point of 4k

Ha! I know 1 person with a fibre optic connection...
Most people can't get it their area!

And you think paying out your very real and hard earned money to actually physical own nothing is a great idea???... :D

Poor choice if you ask me... ;)

I don't pay for anything except my internet and a subscription to Netflix, so yeah, my hard-earned cash is fine thanks. It also doesn't negate the pointlessness of buying vast quantities of films on Blu-Ray.

How can he be throwing money away?

He is getting a physical copy, not digital, and the physical copy is usually cheaper than a digital download, with more extra's, and usually able to provide a better viewing experience for a fraction of the cost of a media PC.

True movie buffs buy physical media for more than just the movie, blatantly obvious because you simply cannot download collectable casework, limited editions, and memorobilia. putting files on a server and charging full whack for a digital copy versus the physical media cost is what I call a blatant rip off and throwing money away.

Oh wait, downloaded movies have better than Bluray disc audio and visual ability too, and every PC is set up optimally to play them on an actual TV too, not.

And we will not include streaming in here, because quite frankly, in the UK the streaming options are a joke and well behind what they should have been in terms of audio and video quality, never mind content, way too many old movies are not available.

My personal opinion, PC's are second best to physical media, no if's no buts, a decent Bluray player costs less and offers far better visual and audio results with simple plug and play, with the majority of movies on Bluray usually discounted with extras within sub menu's, it is still the true movie buff way.

I would say those who actually invested heavily in replay equipment and huge colections of physical media were the true buffs, a dying breed in these days of digital media rip offs. Rejoice now that you can simply click on a download, but take time to think about it's beginnings and where it will eventually lead.

Take care of your mammaries, your getting milked.

Justify it to yourself how you like, it doesn't change the fact that people who buys Blu Rays are sitting on a huge stack of constantly devaluing media that will inevitably go the way of the dodo.

PS: And Vinyl is not a comparable example, as that has genuine nostalgia value.
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I don't pay for anything except my internet and a subscription to Netflix, so yeah, my hard-earned cash is fine thanks. It also doesn't negate the pointlessness of buying vast quantities of films on Blu-Ray.

Justify it to yourself how you like, it doesn't change the fact that people who buys Blu Rays are sitting on a huge stack of constantly devaluing media that will inevitably go the way of the dodo.

PS: And Vinyl is not a comparable example, as that has genuine nostalgia value.

Perhaps your eyes and ears simply don't work as well as the rest of us... anyone with a £300 TV and £100 on audio can see a massive difference between streaming and physical.

Unless you know of a streaming service that we don't... please tell me where I can get 2D and 3D blu-ray quality streaming from... I'd really quite like that.
Another thing about DVD's is that they gave you unprecedented access to the film making process.

I used to watch a lot of DVD special features, film commentary's etc.

I don't have the time now, quite frankly. So it's less use to me to own the physical media.

I think the last special features I watched was the 'Dark Knight' ones showing them designing the bat-pod, flipping the truck for real in Chigaco etc. That was great.
Perhaps your eyes and ears simply don't work as well as the rest of us... anyone with a £300 TV and £100 on audio can see a massive difference between streaming and physical.

Unless you know of a streaming service that we don't... please tell me where I can get 2D and 3D blu-ray quality streaming from... I'd really quite like that.

Use your imagination... how else does one get high quality rips if not buying or streaming? I will leave you to mull it over.
I don't pay for anything except my internet and a subscription to Netflix, so yeah, my hard-earned cash is fine thanks. It also doesn't negate the pointlessness of buying vast quantities of films on Blu-Ray.

So as soon as a film disappears from your Netflix subscription (through licensing reasons etc), you no longer have access. I'll stick with my devaluing media then thanks.

Use your imagination... how else does one get high quality rips if not buying or streaming? I will leave you to mull it over.

Piracy aside - Where do you think the HQ rips come from? someone had to buy the "devaluing media" in the first place, in order to create said HQ rip.

If it comes down to Physical vs being a pirate in order to have decent image quality, then most people with morals will choose Physical every time.

Personally even if I was going to go digital, I would be ripping my own Bluray's (and then boxing them up in the loft or offsite somewhere else) at least then I can choose the quality / compression instead of relying on whatever rips are available.
I don't pay for anything except my internet and a subscription to Netflix, so yeah, my hard-earned cash is fine thanks.

At the end of the day you have nothing to show for your money spent...
Just like renting accomadation...
Leasing a vehicle....

It's money spent you will never get back and have nothing to show for it... :D

Long as your happy though....
If you don't care, then surely just don't read and post in this thread? :confused:

Personally I welcome the idea of UHD/4K, but can't see it gaining any real ground until:

- Internet services improve for Streaming at decent bitrates to become viable
- Satellite/Freeview systems can deliver content again at decent quality levels
- Optical media gets standardised to just 1 format by removing the older formats (instead of DVD/Bluray/and UHD Bluray).

It's a joke. Now cheer the **** up and enjoy life.
Use your imagination... how else does one get high quality rips if not buying or streaming? I will leave you to mull it over.

So in other words, it doesn't exist... not in a legal format (downloading is legal in Switerland).

Most of my film collection is in "remux" format... yet that's still not as good as a proper blu-ray.
So as soon as a film disappears from your Netflix subscription (through licensing reasons etc), you no longer have access. I'll stick with my devaluing media then thanks.

At the same time you could argue why you would watch the same movie twice as you already watched it and know the plot?
It's a joke. Now cheer the **** up and enjoy life.

Plenty cheerful enough thanks, full of Christmas cheer. It wasn't a joke it was just a pointless empty post that has no relevance here.

At the same time you could argue why you would watch the same movie twice as you already watched it and know the plot?

Because you enjoy it? Maybe you like the actors, the performance they give, the music, the special effects, the way it makes you feel? Even if I've seen a film at the cinema, I'll still go and buy it when it comes out on bluray, to watch it again (as normally I notice things that I maybe missed first time round).
Use your imagination... how else does one get high quality rips if not buying or streaming? I will leave you to mull it over.
I think this goes to the crux of it for a lot of folk who claim physical media is dead. They aren't paying for physical copies, but nor are they paying for digital downloads either. Their consumption model is based on freeloading. There's none of their money going back in to the film industry, which to me seems morally wrong. On that basis then, someone who is happy to be a parasite on the back of the industry has no business criticising others who do actually pay for content in any format.

I am not whiter than white. I have set up gear for people whose ultimate intentions were to use P2P for all their film and TV box sets. I have looked in to it myself and have gear capable of using such services, but as others have mentioned here, I too found the quality to be variable (to say the least!) and often lacking in features such as audio formats, subtitles and of course the extras. Yeah, I am one of those people who watches the extras. My wife needs the subtitles. So in my house streaming and downloads don't make the grade.

One big argument against physical media is that is loses value. I'll deal with that right now: Yes. Yes it does. But so too does a paid-for digital download. Let's face it, in the majority of cases we might watch a film once or twice and that's about it. But if I take the family to the cinema then what do we have other than the memory of the film?; some used ticket stubs and leftover popcorn? A film collection is simply the vapour trail from our journey. It has some residual value for a while, and the odd disc will become a collectors item, but the bulk of it will be worthless at some point. It's the same with most hobbies whether it's music, comics, fishing, golf, motoring or whatever. If one wants to collect things that hold or increase in value then these are the wrong games. Of course one could argue that leeching off a P2P site means there's nothing to devalue as such, except perhaps for the film and TV production industry upon which the leeches feed.

I understand the attraction of "free", but I can't get past the idea that those who take this route are contributing to the death of something that I love.

/rant over.
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At the end of the day you have nothing to show for your money spent...
Just like renting accomadation...
Leasing a vehicle....

It's money spent you will never get back and have nothing to show for it... :D

Long as your happy though....

I threw a tonne of dvds away recently when i moved. Want to know why? because they were worth peanuts. They certainly weren't bought for peanuts. You're kidding yourself if you think the majority of the media you are holding on to will be worth anything in the future.

Armageous said:
So as soon as a film disappears from your Netflix subscription (through licensing reasons etc), you no longer have access. I'll stick with my devaluing media then thanks.

Small price to pay when the a netflix sub is less the the cost of a single bluray a month, to be honest. Lucid is right, it all loses value. But online streaming services cost nothing to begin with.
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I think this goes to the crux of it for a lot of folk who claim physical media is dead. They aren't paying for physical copies, but nor are they paying for digital downloads either. Their consumption model is based on freeloading. There's none of their money going back in to the film industry, which to me seems morally wrong. On that basis then, someone who is happy to be a parasite on the back of the industry has no business criticising others who do actually pay for content in any format.

I am not whiter than white. I have set up gear for people whose ultimate intentions were to use P2P for all their film and TV box sets. I have looked in to it myself and have gear capable of using such services, but as others have mentioned here, I too found the quality to be variable (to say the least!) and often lacking in features such as audio formats, subtitles and of course the extras. Yeah, I am one of those people who watches the extras. My wife needs the subtitles. So in my house streaming and downloads don't make the grade.

One big argument against physical media is that is loses value. I'll deal with that right now: Yes. Yes it does. But so too does a paid-for digital download. Let's face it, in the majority of cases we might watch a film once or twice and that's about it. But if I take the family to the cinema then what do we have other than the memory of the film?; some used ticket stubs and leftover popcorn? A film collection is simply the vapour trail from our journey. It has some residual value for a while, and the odd disc will become a collectors item, but the bulk of it will be worthless at some point. It's the same with most hobbies whether it's music, comics, fishing, golf, motoring or whatever. If one wants to collect things that hold or increase in value then these are the wrong games. Of course one could argue that leeching off a P2P site means there's nothing to devalue as such, except perhaps for the film and TV production industry upon which the leeches feed.

I understand the attraction of "free", but I can't get past the idea that those who take this route are contributing to the death of something that I love.

/rant over.

Rant duly noted, but I disagree that I am contributing to the death of the movie industry. The industry is driven by greed and a disregard for the consumer, and that is the only reason why piracy has taken such a strong foothold. It needs reform, it needs more accessibility, and it needs to bring digital purchases down to a sensible level that reflects the unpackaged, digital content that you are paying for.

What we consumers need is a digital movie platform that, once having paid a reasonable price for your movie, you then have permanent access to your download, regardless of whether you delete them from your PC or not, in a way that is similar to STEAM.

The moment they do this then I will be the first with my wallet out and queueing up for some hefty, high quality downloads. Until then, they will keep up their vampiric feeding on the people who continue to pay for physical media while keeping digital prices unreasonably high.
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Most of my film collection is in "remux" format... yet that's still not as good as a proper blu-ray.

If you are talking AV quality then what you have either aren't really remuxes or your mind is playing tricks on you. The quality on a remux is identical to that on a bluray, the streams aren't touched just unnecessary gumph like extra audio tracks etc stripped out then put in an MKV container.
Plenty cheerful enough thanks, full of Christmas cheer. It wasn't a joke it was just a pointless empty post that has no relevance here.

Your opinion, and I voiced mine. No need to knock me down a peg buddy no matter who you are. For reference I own a 4k monitor and I still don't care about 4k tv atm.
I threw a tonne of dvds away recently when i moved. Want to know why? because they were worth peanuts. They certainly weren't bought for peanuts. You're kidding yourself if you think the majority of the media you are holding on to will be worth anything in the future.

Actually plenty of my limited edition stuff is worth more Now than when i bought it! :D

But that's not why i bought the movies in the first place...
It's because i love movies! I watch movies all the time...
Hell, as a teenager, I saw Ghostbusters 5 times at the cinema that summer release...
I enjoy the cinema... Watching DVD`s/Blurays at home...
Movies full stop! ;)

And to get back on point... 4K bluray movies at home is going to be awesome... Can't wait! ;)
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The trouble is, 4k blu-rays will pretty much make all those 1080p blu-rays obsolete.

Well not obsolete, but if you have a 4k TV and you have the choice between a sparkly 4k Movie or one with 1/4 of the pixels you aren't really going to want to watch the latter anymore.

I had 1000+ DVD's. They were all sitting in boxes after I moved. Everytime I fancied watching one, I found it better to spend an hour downloading a 1080p rip...

It's not like I didn't own the movie in the first instance.
I still watch my DVDs unless they've been replaced by the Bluray version.
Then I usually shift that particular DVD on... Give to friends... Swap... Sell...
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