I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Just to revive the thread, I've been quite busy with the UM2 the last 2 weeks..

20 x Custom Bookmarks for my Mrs' Class
5 x Custom Bookmarks for my kids friends
A very well designed Duplo Train Turntable for a work Colleague 30cm diameter, 12 segments for the base, and 2 large bridge sections. He designed it himself, and I just helped make it 3D printer friendly, the end result was very impressive!

And today was one of those days you just have to impress people with a 3D printer, yesterday our bathroom door in work had a broken indicator lock, and since it's a very odd size, I quickly measured up, and printed one out that evening, 5 parts with occupied/unoccupied indicators, spindle, base section and cover, fitted it as soon as I got to work and people where amazed at the quality and precision of it!

I do need to get more colours, Silver/Red/Green/Blue/Black seem very popular, and I've burnt through most of mine already!!
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Anyone looked at making their own filament? I like the idea as I've also got some failed prints I could recycle too but a pre-designed filament extruder runs around £270-£400 excluding PLA or ABS pallets.

Seen a few on Kickstarter/Indiegogo but never backed them.

Where you people get their filament?

Up until now I've used mainly Octave filaments from a UK supplier that are selling mainly cd-writers so I cannot link to them, I've had very very few failures due to filament faults and would whole heartedly recommend Octave.

I have backed an extruder with Kickstarter and will hopefully be getting that and spooler early February, at which point ill be hopefully making my own custom coloured and also varied composition filaments. :)
Up until now I've used mainly Octave filaments from a UK supplier that are selling mainly cd-writers so I cannot link to them, I've had very very few failures due to filament faults and would whole heartedly recommend Octave.

I have backed an extruder with Kickstarter and will hopefully be getting that and spooler early February, at which point ill be hopefully making my own custom coloured and also varied composition filaments. :)

did you end up getting the extruder?

Just got myself one hell of a bargain off ebay a brand new Printrbot Metal Plus with heated bed for less than £600!!!

I would like to see the OcUK 3D printer community a bit more active so once the new printrbot is up and running my print-a-thing a week and post up anyone else with 3D printers feel feel to share your prints too.

did you end up getting the extruder?

Just got myself one hell of a bargain off ebay a brand new Printrbot Metal Plus with heated bed for less than £600!!!

I would like to see the OcUK 3D printer community a bit more active so once the new printrbot is up and running my print-a-thing a week and post up anyone else with 3D printers feel feel to share your prints too.


Unfortunately not yet, the kickstarter has suffered a series of setbacks, but I'm still hopeful they will deliver, not sure what the current timescale is looking like though. :(

Id also like to see some kind of OcUK printer community perk up and see what others are doing with theirs, I look forwards to seeing your prints and designs and might join you in trying to do a print per week. :)
did you end up getting the extruder?

Just got myself one hell of a bargain off ebay a brand new Printrbot Metal Plus with heated bed for less than £600!!!

I would like to see the OcUK 3D printer community a bit more active so once the new printrbot is up and running my print-a-thing a week and post up anyone else with 3D printers feel feel to share your prints too.


Hi James

Was yours from bay second hand, do you have the item number, and how is your 3d printing getting on.

Hi James

Was yours from bay second hand, do you have the item number, and how is your 3d printing getting on.


Hey Ken,

It was brand new never open!!! For a metal plus + heated bed which retails for about £1200 inc shipping + import duty (about £250) so total about £1450 was a real bargain. It was from a seller who clearly didn't no what he had.

I've been ill last few days so haven't been printing but could a few things in mind which i will post about once i start doing them.

Do you have a 3D printer?

Hi James

I don't have a 3d printer, Looking at the items these can produced, I am very intrested.

I just bought a CEL Robox last week, just having a play with it today. Impressive bit of kit, and much superior to the first gen MakerBot.
Interestingly the person i bought my Metal Plus off on Ebay seems to have got hold of another one, but this time has put a buy it now price on it of £650 + £105 P&P.

Still a bargain price as to get the same from Printrbot would cost you nearly double, but it seems quite odd?

Item ID if any of you want a look. #181732222039

Printing a few little bits today, once there finished I'll post some pictures.

I see this model on the bay;

Printrbot Metal Plus 3D Printer Assembled with international heated

£699.00 from Southall UK free delivery is this the same model as yours?

think that one has no heated bed.

DOh! not not see item number ?
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I see this model on the bay;

Printrbot Metal Plus 3D Printer Assembled with international heated

£699.00 from Southall UK free delivery is this the same model as yours?

think that one has no heated bed.

DOh! not not see item number ?

Actually your right that one is a little cheaper, lol. The one from Southall does have the heated bed as does the one from the seller I purchased from.
I just went to buy a da Vinci 2.0A Duo 3D Printer, but the price went up by £50 from last night :(

Going to wait till the price drops again.
I hear the latest firmware for that printer bricks it, if it detects you using a refilled filament spool? Why get a machine with specific spool?

Should be getting my dual extruder upgrade in the next few days ;-).

I hear the latest firmware for that printer bricks it, if it detects you using a refilled filament spool? Why get a machine with specific spool?

Should be getting my dual extruder upgrade in the next few days ;-).


Because you can buy a reset switch if needed ;)
Also if you use Simplify3D or install Repetier on the printer you can use any filament.

I have ordered a da Vinci 2.0A Duo today and should be with me next Thursday.
Because you can buy a reset switch if needed ;)
Also if you use Simplify3D or install Repetier on the printer you can use any filament.

I have ordered a da Vinci 2.0A Duo today and should be with me next Thursday.

Nice, gonna post pictures on the weekend of my printers, feel free to share yours too.

Do any of you use Simplify3D? if so is it worth the £100?

Don't use it, I run Cura and Repetier.

I heard it's good though, but I'm not sure £100 good. In fact Thomas Sanladerer (3D YouTube'er) suggests if you want to spend £100 of slicing software donate to the creator of Repetier and the like, lol.

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