I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Nice one dude. I've bookmarked it.

I'm printing Batman's Tumbler at the moment. 6 hours and still going :(

Well that was a waste of time and filament. The slicer got it wrong and it was just a mess...grrrrr

Is that the one on thingiverse? Does look like a cool print, but it does say it's not suitable to print sadly.
these 3D printers really do look like so much fun! haven't actually seen one in person but they are definitely very interesting
New filament review on my blog and the resulting print.


I'm just doing Yoda and Groot and a dancing Groot :)

I maybe going to resin printing when the price drops to under £2000

Nice posts by the way. Have you tried Ninjaflex yet?
LOL, Funny you should ask that, i'm currently printing in Ninjaflex Semiflex filament. I've got some wood based filament for my next Groot print :-).

If you can please post some pictures of your prints.

LOL, Funny you should ask that, i'm currently printing in Ninjaflex Semiflex filament. I've got some wood based filament for my next Groot print :-).

If you can please post some pictures of your prints.



Still a long way to go :o:D
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It's a set of brackets for a mate's drone. I would imagine they're going to be a couple of CM cubed each, something like that.

He's going to send me the details, and I'll let you know. Many thanks.
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