I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Do you have a 3d printer?


Do you have a 3d printer or have you used one?

If so which model and what kind of things have you made with it?

I'm becoming more interested in these as they become more affordable, trying to decide if I really would use it or if it's just another novelty toy to gather dust ( I have MANY of these!)

It will be a gimmick if you just print files off the internet, if you're making your own designs then they're awesome.

I'd recommend downloading sketchup and getting to grips with that first. If you get the bug then consider a 3d printer after that, unless you've got money to burn then just buy one!
Got my hotend today, no calibration done at all bar levelling the bed, getting good prints straight off it :)
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Woo! Finally. :D What have you printed so far?

I'm still having odd Z axis/print height issues annoyingly. I had 2 good prints, then it went again. I went over the whole printer and aligned and tightened everything (few hex screws had worked loose on the steppers) and I'm ready for another run at it.

Managed to print a load of those 90 degree brackets for joining the 2040 to the 1040 under the print bed too. Really want to get the Z stepper support bracket printed though, totally firm up that part of the printer. However, will need to get some more M4 8mm hex bolts and T-Nuts which are proving expensive to locate unless I ship from China.
Got some pics at home so will post a few, but I have printed out the enhanced Z motor mount (fit that tonight maybe) a loads of L brackets and a few other bits.

Need to print out a new X-Axis mount tonight as I have a e3dv6 clone coming in the post (as a backup) so would like a mount to use it if needs be :)

Seem to have a problem with the heatbed though :( do more investigation in to that one tonight
Heh, didn't come out too great in places



Heh, didn't come out too great in places


Looks good, a bit of a clean up and it should be good.

I've got a new blog VIDEO coming this weekend to the Blog and YouTube channel, please subscribe to keep up with my content :-).

Going to be testing some ColorFabb filaments including all their "SPECIALS" filaments, as well as building the NFire 1 delta printer.

It's not terrible, but the supports didn't print properly and some are embedded in to the main object...he also has some kind of tumor on his face
NEW Blog Update - Now doing Videos (With new intro)

If you guys would like to see anything in a video let me no and I'll see what I can do :-).


Might be the wrong place to ask this but I could do with a very basic smallish stencil 3d printing if anyone can help
Slightly off topic. But does anyone have any idea what watt laser you need in a laser cutter to cut 5mm aluminium?
And with such a powerful laser can you still cut more delicate stuff?

Also who's backed olo and what do you think.
I'm reasonably happy and think they can deliver, would love some real videos of it working though.
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Depends on how they post it out. My Tarantula got through customs swiftly and without charge, I believe this is because they'd marked it as a sample.
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