I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Any of you printed / seen anything printed in platinum?

I'm considering getting an engagement ring made, i know i could go to a jeweler but, 3d printing her a ring would be awesome!

Also, anyone go to / seen the Oxford hackspace? I'm thinking of going along but don't wanna be a plum in the corner on my own. haha! They have 3d printers etc there for people to use.

Also VERY cheeky of me, but would any of you be able to run a test print (in any material) if I was able to supply a 3d model?
Who prints platinum? You would need a sintering laser printer.

I'm thinking of going to the Bristol one, as I want access to a laser printer. To cut balsa wood.

Anyone know what tolerance I need to build in, to slot said balsa wood together.
shapeways have introduced metals (golds, platinum)

I've contacted a local guy on 3d hubs (he has a Prusa i3 Plus 1.75mm ? ) to make a mock ring, possibly not gonna be 1:1 and will have to make a larger scale but its only for visualisation before i get a proper ring made :)
Who prints platinum? You would need a sintering laser printer.

I'm thinking of going to the Bristol one, as I want access to a laser printer. To cut balsa wood.

Anyone know what tolerance I need to build in, to slot said balsa wood together.

It depends on the laser, focus and material. 0.1mm is always a good ball park but for a soft material like balsa you may well get away with leaving the drawing as is, the kerf will give you your clearance for a good fit. If you can, get them to do a finger joint test/sample in the material you want to use before doing the drawing.

It is worth noting that advertised thickness is almost always inaccurate. For example, I can order a batch of 3mm acrylic from the same supplier and it will all vary from 2.7mm up to 3.3mm. For wood you generally get very little variation (so the batch will be the same thickness) but you will still find a 5mm thick piece of wood could be 4.5mm, so always check before you draw.

I would definitely recommend getting in to a FabLab or hackerspace, they are massively underused and you will find most of them are chomping at the bit to get people through the door and making stuff!
Going to try and get down there next Thursday, they do an open evening. They suggest £10-20 a month, then laser cutter and printer is like a couple of wood an hour.

All I know is it's a blacknose A0 laser cutter.

If I had the space I would be getting my own. You can buy like a 2.5w for about £200, more than enough to cut balsa, but at the moment I have no space.

This is why, building a b52 bomber roughly 1.5m longer this is where the wing joins (right hand of pic) and the bomb bay. didn't find any real plans anywhere. So a bit trial and error and then doing it in Sketchup and making improvements. would be so nice just to cut the whole lot out.


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New video up - NFire 1 3D Printer Unboxing

Please go check it out and if you have any suggestions on making better videos please comment (I need all the help I can get, lol)


Nice, not a bad video at all James. I'd recommend getting a tripod for your camera and a good flat area to present on, would give you two hands to work with too.

Other than that you've got a good clear presenting voice, good quality camera and nice intros/outros.
Nice, not a bad video at all James. I'd recommend getting a tripod for your camera and a good flat area to present on, would give you two hands to work with too.

Other than that you've got a good clear presenting voice, good quality camera and nice intros/outros.

Thanks for the comments, I've got all the gear tripod, backdrop etc but not the room currently to have it set up. Looking to get my own place this year so will hopefully have the room then.


Ok guys, a little problem with my 3D printer this morning.

I only have ea cheapo Cubify cube 2nd gen thing, so nothing much I can do to it...

but, the axis that has the extruder on, seems borked, It constantly tries to travel to the left. (as in past the stop point)

I don't know how to tell it that it is "home" or how the head knows it is in position. It was fine this morning, moved it to a new location in the house and it is now fubar.

Any ideas? So far, I have tried to move it all the way to one edge and kick it in and it didnt work =(
Ok guys, a little problem with my 3D printer this morning.

I only have ea cheapo Cubify cube 2nd gen thing, so nothing much I can do to it...

but, the axis that has the extruder on, seems borked, It constantly tries to travel to the left. (as in past the stop point)

I don't know how to tell it that it is "home" or how the head knows it is in position. It was fine this morning, moved it to a new location in the house and it is now fubar.

Any ideas? So far, I have tried to move it all the way to one edge and kick it in and it didnt work =(

Sounds like some sort of loose connection, an end stop switch come off possibly?


From a quick Google it looks like you going to have to open the case up a bit to get a better look.
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it does indeed have a limit switch, it is actually switching, but doing nothing. I am guessing either the other end is fubar or the switch is dead. I am trying to trace the cable, but it seems some of the casing is stuck :D need to get my tool box on it
it does indeed have a limit switch, it is actually switching, but doing nothing. I am guessing either the other end is fubar or the switch is dead. I am trying to trace the cable, but it seems some of the casing is stuck :D need to get my tool box on it

Thought so, hopefully it's just a lose connection. Get some photos up if you can would be interesting to see the insides :-).

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