Unless there was resistance against the turn, or does the stepper report it's position back usually?
Either way I've swapped out the Z nut for the one I printed and lubricated the rod (titter) to ensure it's moving properly.
Recalibrated the Z height and bed level tonight, and it's all ready for a print run tomorrow. Missed my window tonight as the Mrs is home and the little fella is asleep. Also thinking of relocating the printer to the garage as a result.
Either way I've swapped out the Z nut for the one I printed and lubricated the rod (titter) to ensure it's moving properly.
Recalibrated the Z height and bed level tonight, and it's all ready for a print run tomorrow. Missed my window tonight as the Mrs is home and the little fella is asleep. Also thinking of relocating the printer to the garage as a result.