Nice! Bet you can't wait to get building.
Exactly that. The D-Bot build instructions recommend PETG for it's superior longevity compared to PLA. Even though all of the parts for the Tevo are printed in PLA and are still going strong. Still, if PETG lasts longer then happy days.
I'm going to get all of the parts printed, build the frame up and then stick another order in for the missing/upgraded electrics then strip the Tevo down.
First things first, that's to install the 2nd Z stepper to balance out the X rail so I can get bob on prints for the D-bot. That's this weekend's job, then next week it's D-Bot mass production time.
I can give it a go, roll of PETG should do it apparently. See how I get on with my parts first. Keep checking back for PETG progress.