I got me 3D printer, awesome!

Delta's can, if not set-up great be a pain in the rear. Leveling in particular. As for a duct upgrade, ideally it would need to be printed in a filament that can handle the heat of being near the hot end, so ABS but that in itself is a pain to print and it smells horrible.

Every printer I have looked at seems to have issues with leveling or warped beds and the level slipping over time hopefully if i can get the level setup correctly with a delta i shouldnt have to do it as often. The QQ S pro comes with a leveling sensor which appears to be fairly user friendly, They use to use a conductive pad but they moved away from that to a mico switch adapter that fits over the hot end. I plan to use PLA at first as so many people have said PLA is the easiest for a newbie to start off with and then once thats dialed in reliably then consider moving on other materials.
At the end of March I put a post in the printers section asking if anyone knew a site where I could order prints of .STL files as I needed some replacement Lian Li clips to hold the front of my case on and they had long since been discontinued. @Frozennova being an awesome guy volunteered to print the clips and post them to me free of charge, once they arrived and I saw the power of 3D printing in action I ordered one next day delivery lol.

It's a Flashforge finder, it sounded cool, it was £221 delivered, and Youtube reviews set it could print things in 3D which was just what I was looking for :p


First I used the red filiment that came with it to print an external spool holder for it so I could use the extra colours I'd ordered (the standard spool holder is internal and uses a propitiatory size):

Then I made me a pangolin, pangolins are cool :D

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Did my first vase/spiral print.. 18 hours for a lamp shade. I couldn't find anything that I liked. Popped onto thingverse and found this. Printed with copped silk PLA at 230c..


A couple of imperfections, but i'll tune them out for the next one, you cannot see them once its hung..
Love vase mode prints, here's a little tip for you, if you want really strong vase mode prints increase the extrusion width to 1mm on a 0.4mm nozzle.
Took the dive and ordered the Ender 3 pro, my Cetus 3D seems to have seen better days now, and fed up how limited their slicing software is. Have also ordered a few upgrades for it :P , The Silent board, all metal feeder, stronger bed springs, silicon jacket for the hot end and the stepper motor smoother kit, hoping everything will be here by the end of this month, worked about £300 with all the extras
Started a print last night on my ender 3, about 5 minutes in there was a pop, it carried on printing but not very nicely.

Stripped it all down and eventually found one of the stepper drivers has blown!


Reconnected everything with that stepper driver removed and thankfully the board (SKR 1.3) and everything else are working OK.
I've ordered an Ender 5 which will hopefully arrive this week. Is it safe to keep the a 3D printer in a small room? Just wondering if there are any fumes from the plastic as it's applied.
Depends what type of plastic you are printing with, would leave the window open a little, with things like abs
Took the opportunity to completely strip my Ender 3. Loosened and re-tightened all bolts for the frame and checked that it was all sitting square. Cleaned everything while it was apart too. Then on re-assembly, I adjusted all the roller wheels, lubed up the Z rod, re-tightened all the belts.

Then while I had already got most the wiring in bits, ripped it all out and started again with it. Got the Pi powered off the GPIO pins now, and running the enclosure fan off the mainboard instead of the additional buck converter I used to run in there.

Got it all back in, as neatly as I could which is quite a challenge.

And covers on looking much better.

Just awaiting the new stepper driver to arrive then should be back in action.
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