The game got really boring really fast and it a pity too because i think it has one of the best intro of all time
Basically it, the story thought it was incredibly smart, but was really very very dull and predictable, the weapons system had potential but the problem with semi complex and somewhat slow to change between combat systems need a reason to use them. It was just far to easy throughout, meaning there was no need to switch around weapons.
Needed FAR more types of enemy of which several had to be killed, or were much easier with one type of attack and very very hard with anything else.
As it was, an hour/two into the game max you can just go around and club everything with a wrench with no fear of death at all which is ridiculous.
The difficulty level needed to go up, several notches, the enemies needed to scale and get more difficult and there needed to be FAR more variation, its a great base for a game but had fundamental flaws throughout. The boss just capped it all off, biggest enemy in the game, by MILES yet was maybe the easiest boss in the game. LIke other games was going to blast it a bit then see what happened, expecting several stages and maybe a trick or device to be triggered, location to change but 8 seconds later, boss is dead and game is over.
Due to so many people loving the game and it doing well, I'm not looking forward to the follow up because I assume the same issues will be present, though hoping they'll have addressed the issues.