i just got dead space 2 but i'm so disappointed

yeah that'll work.. ;)

ohh i remember them

yeah it could work..
it maybe worth a try.

I'm positive something like this would work with a little tweaking and customization. No more strain on your chin, your head and neck are nice and relaxed, happily operating your SmartNav/TrackIR and your feet controls helping you to make short work of all those pesky Bighorns in New Vegas :D

Hi again.

Damn you are good you hit the Apex every time :O.

I cant find that web cam I am real sorry I thought it was in the garage but meh.

Fair play for checking that out for him, mate. He shouldn't need it though if we can hook him up with a SmartNav/TrackIR system ;)

Also has to be said, he's much better at driving games than I am! If he's that good with just his chin, I'd hate to race against him when he's using a better control setup :eek:

Gareth 1st Place :)
Ken Block 2nd Place :)
Tanner Faust 3rd Place :)
AeoNGriM Last Place :(
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Looks like this thread make it onto Kotaku...


Well with absolutly no recognition, hope they asked people first

I agree, it's a shame they didn't include the reason why it was posted. Maybe they just saw it on youtube and not the thread?

Hope they update it with a bit more info about this :)

I sent an email to Brian Crecente(editor) and showed him this thread. I told him all about Gareths disability and how he plays pc games and how he has trouble with custom controls in ds2. Glad they decided to make a story about it. I really hope other gaming new sites post about gareth as well.

Cool to see he put a post up on his site.
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when you see gareth doing things like that, and how positive he is, with a great personality as well its just humbling.

It really makes you think that when you moan about silly things in life, that you really dont have it that bad.
It really makes you think that when you moan about silly things in life, that you really dont have it that bad.

It just makes me think that not enough is being done in this world for those that really need the help. When you see how much money was spent on monday for football players it makes you sick. That money could save thousands of lives but instead its spent on someone that kicks a ball for a living.

Has anyone emailed other news sites to try and get them to post gareths story and video?

I've almost finished DS2 and still have trouble getting used to the controls. I'm not sure how Gareth would be able to play this game using a mouse. A special control really needs to be designed. How would he aim and shoot? Need to hold two buttons for that. :(

Another site has posted his story.

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I recon it would be easy to make him a custom controller to game with if someone wanted to. Having a quick think, I came up with something like this:


Bare in mind it's very bad, just an idea to use roughly.

The mouse movement would be a trackpad with a stick attached with tactile feedback, basically when you move the stick in a direction, it will try and center itself back to it's original place. What this does is basically acts as a mouse movement for him to look around, and when he took his chin off, it will center itself back so it's easy to aim again after.

Above that on a slope is a button array, which are easily accessible, the thought was that he could push the buttons using his tongue behind his lip, thus he could aim with his chin and shoot at the same time, along in that array would be the typical gaming buttons, like "Use" "W" and some spares which would fit around everything which could be customized like a normal keypad.

Of course another idea would be to put 2 buttons on top of the stick, which could act as left and right clicks, overall I think something like that would provide much better control and would probably make his gaming experience better.
Just wanted to chip in to echo the sentiments in this thread. Its 2011 and custom controls shouldn't really be an issue for pc gaming, but yet here we are.

Its nice to see the story gaining traction now and even nicer to see the community responce. If a custom setup for Gareth does materialise from the ideas you guys are mentioning (wiimote/trackir/foot buttons etc) and it works well, then that in itself is a challenge to the peripheral makers to design something better. As has been said, they (the Logitechs, Razors etc) have the means and this could be a chance to give something back to the gaming community, as the more people that can play the better for everyone, business included.

I see it as a push on two fronts, one for customisable controls in ALL games and a challenge to make custom AFFORDABLE peripheral setups for the disabled gamer.

So to Gareth and the others here who are helping,

Keep up the good work.
thank you :)

it's ok, no worrys mate..

i'll buy a wii mote sometime next week or 2.

Hey Gareth,

I have been following this thread from the start but have not posted until now.

You really impressed me with how you manage to play the games (especially how well!) with just using your chin. You are a great inspiration and developers should stand up and take note and not be so narrow minded leaving such games non customisable.

I have a Wii mote going spare if you would like it? Would save you spending out if it doesn't turn out to be any good!

Let me know if you are interested, mail in trust :)
have been reading this thread for a few days now and without sounding patronising i find it truly inspirational, fair play to you gareth for making your voice heard!
Just posting in amazing thread to say props to the OP! Made my day seeing how you've worked around the issues!
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