I just quit WoW!

WoW has far too many drawbacks over the good parts to make it good, most play it to play with others and be in a 'community' but tbh being dictated to by a kid isn't cool. The community on WoW is pretty dire overall, or guilds want you to commit your life to a game which is supposed to be fun and not work. When it became more work than play I had to leave it (about three times), its extremely addictive.

Problem I have is I love MMO's, I'm going to try LOTR: Online, I hear it has a 'better' community and I like the lore whereas WoW was just a conveyor belt of ramming new stuff down your throat + Burning Crusade made the game worse not better.

Never understood paying a monthly £ amount for a virtual life

I think it depends a lot on the characters you meet and play with. A good guild (and I mean a really good guild - one that supports and entertains you in the way you want, and vice versa) is hard to come by.

I left the game for 5 months after burning crusade launched because I couldn't handle the thought of playing through all the raids + rep needed at level 70. This was a good idea to get speaking to friends I had neglected for too long.

But a long break made me realise the game itself was fairly inconsequential - so long as I could balance my 'WoW time' with my real friends, I could maintain a decent quality of life and enjoy the game without stress in either.
Well done on quitting WOW.

Seriously though. You have stopped playing a computer game. Thats all you have done. Any addiction that was present and any life lost, dictated or wasted is nothing to do with Warcraft and everything to do with yourself.

Since when did it become an achievment in this world to stop playing a computer game? I dont think it ever did, but if it helps you through this difficult period so be it. Just remember never to get involved again.

Is it good to be free. I bet is is.

I've never understood this whole WOW taking over your life thing. I've played this game for a few years now. I've enjoyed it, but still managed to play other games during this time. I've still kept my wife happy (well I've been there for her anyway :) ).
At what stage does this game take over your life as I play this game just like I play any other game. I log on, kill something, develop my character and chat to a few mates. Then I log off, till the next time, which could be in a few days time.
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i played WoW from release day till Oct 2005 manged 2 lvl 60 Chars

while i think it was a great game it was so addictive and time consuming it really ruined my life almost 2 years after i left I'm still trying to get back on my feet

will be my last MMO :(
I quit just before last christmas, only got my Warlock upto level 34 but I was definitly starting to feel the pull which was quite scary, even now I have a scout around the bay looking for cheap gamercards, strange how this game is so addictive, me and my mate have both planned to start it up again in september but I'm not so sure, the fact that I'm thinking about the game still after 8 months on a regular occasion is not good, I've thought less of ex girlfriends tbh.
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Can i have your accounts? :)

And for the person who asked, all account info can be changed except your real name.
I want to sell my account
L70 NE Druid, Epic flight form, some epics from kara etc, mostly blue quest rewards/rep rewards. Lots of other epic/good gear (currently feral) but has gear to support moonkin/tree form pretty well. 375 herbalism/alchemy/transmute master thing.
L66 NE Hunter - nothing to write home about - epic mount
L62 Gnome Rogue - Epic mount, kinda gave up on it.
Other than that a L40 Undead Warlock
L36 Human Mage - 300 in tailoring
Bank alts with some interesting/useful stuff... but not a great deal.

Any idea what that would be worth ?
DampCat said:
I'd put it on for 100 and see where it goes (the only character worth anything is the druid)
Yeah that's what I thought, but how does payment work? I'm assuming putting it on the bay...but i've never sold anything on there. Is paypal really crap for sellers? And what would I need to do to my account details?
Luckily, I have a short attention span and get bored with things fairly quickly, so MMO's just don't appeal.

About the longest I have managed playing any game is Oblivion for about 100 hours.

I know most people complain when a game is less than 10 hours or so, but for me thats fine.

So, luckily, I will never know what its like to get addicted to things like WoW.
SuBsTaNcE said:
Hmm, Since when did everyone who plays an MMO become an addict?

When did people stop playing for fun and start being addicted?

I play WoW and have played for 12 hours in the last 7 days (xfire says so) and i play because i enjoy the game and the social aspect and i am the raid leader of my guild, now don't get me wrong some weeks i play a lot more, but i only do it if i have the time and there is nothing else to do i know people who play FPS's/RTS's online and they play a lot more than most MMO gamers do but nobody thinks of those as addicts

Can someone please explain where the link between addiction and MMO's came in?

Stop playing for two weeks then. Completely. No logging in, no checking forums, nothing. That'll be all the explanation you need.
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