I just quit WoW!

I quit before the expansion but blizz wont leave me alone they are after me now everywhere i go every web page I open every magazine I pick up every shop i go in and yesterday I got home and found burning crusade sitting on my door mat looking at me watching me calling to me PLEASE BLIZZARD LEAVE ME ALONE! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Jono said:
I want to sell my account
L70 NE Druid, Epic flight form, some epics from kara etc, mostly blue quest rewards/rep rewards. Lots of other epic/good gear (currently feral) but has gear to support moonkin/tree form pretty well. 375 herbalism/alchemy/transmute master thing.
L66 NE Hunter - nothing to write home about - epic mount
L62 Gnome Rogue - Epic mount, kinda gave up on it.
Other than that a L40 Undead Warlock
L36 Human Mage - 300 in tailoring
Bank alts with some interesting/useful stuff... but not a great deal.

Any idea what that would be worth ?

what server you on , btw think the bay banned sales of virtual goods
Time goes so quick when you play online i gotta stop playing so much but i think just one go then time goes really fast and i gotta go to sleep.

This is weird but sometimes I have dreams of games lol like running around on half-life 2 deathmatch chucking things at people & being a sniper on medal of honour (I know I gotta stop playing) :confused:
Fubar said:
Sell your accounts and make a bit of money at the same time, also stops you from doing what most addicts do and go back to it.
Yup, sold my first account, but now I've just reactivated my second. Decided I won't go back to my shadowpriest and raid, just play more casually on my mage.

I know the old 'oh you say you'll go casual but you'll start raiding again', but I won't - don't have the time and am too concentrated on my training now :)
I sit down and play it after work when i feel like it, then I go to bed. I may not log on it for a good few days then.

All you people who quit, I bet you spend a lot of your recovered WOW time on the 'net?
I'm not seeing the gain really.
celliott said:
If you are looking to sell your account I reccomend checking out www.accounts.net :)

Or you can post an ad on this huge MMO forum, www.buysellmmo.com

I got $250 for a 65 Hunter some time ago.


First site seems gay, they don't have an option for herbalism as a profession. Told them and they said they couldn't help me then.

So I said hah!, i won the internest?
I found all the sites that auto quote you for your accounts try and stiff you, they try and sell them for a huge profit. I've yet to find somewhere decent to sell mine and my wifes accounts.
I quit for the fourth time 2 weeks ago.

Made sure it was permanent this time though, deleted all my chars, gave all my money and items away and then changed the account details so I cant ever get them back

It feels good :)
Jono said:
Yeah that's what I thought, but how does payment work? I'm assuming putting it on the bay...but i've never sold anything on there. Is paypal really crap for sellers? And what would I need to do to my account details?

YOu need to change all of your account details to that of the buyer. He will have to keep your real name. This is not a problem because payment can be made by anyone, not justthe account owner. It will need a new email address (and you will have to give him the new email account) and the answers to secret questions.

I find selling with paypal better than buying with it. You lose a small amount but if you account for that in your price then it matters little. Also try ebur.com, but be warned, people WILL try to scam you. Be smart about it. Whatever site you use.

Roughneck said:
what server you on , btw think the bay banned sales of virtual goods

They did, however, you can still sell them as long as you include a disclaimer that states you are not selling the characters, but are selling the time you invested into the characters. You are selling the service of levelling a character to 70. You must also state that the characters and items are owned by Blizzard and NOT yourself or the winning bidder.

Have a look round the bay for disclaimers on WoW products.
I vowed never to even look at WOW. I got adicted to Runescape for like a year and ahalf!!! How sad!! I ended up with like 100 million gold and thinking... gee what am i doing. I gave everything away so that id never play again :)

Id probly die from lack of sleeping and food if i played wow :|
Well done, its very hard to stop playing addictive games such as WOW, Eve and City of Heroes etc..

So many years I have dedicated to the manufactured drug "MMORG".

I have been clean now for over a year and dont intend on going back!

Just say NO!

NickK said:
I played the original EQ then gave up when I had a 62 Shammy. We started doing some serious raiding but the whole experience just sucked my free time..

Only play BF2142 now - short games, easy to put down that fit my free time (sometimes I got for weeks without a game).

Every man has to get addicted to an MMORPG, play to a ridincylously high level then quit once in his life. After that, you will never find quite the same experience again.

And i hate the way WoW players think they are the first batch of people to go through it. WoW's life sucking ability is dismal compared to the likes of EQ.
SuBsTaNcE said:
Hmm, Since when did everyone who plays an MMO become an addict?

When did people stop playing for fun and start being addicted?

I play WoW and have played for 12 hours in the last 7 days (xfire says so) and i play because i enjoy the game and the social aspect and i am the raid leader of my guild, now don't get me wrong some weeks i play a lot more, but i only do it if i have the time and there is nothing else to do i know people who play FPS's/RTS's online and they play a lot more than most MMO gamers do but nobody thinks of those as addicts

Can someone please explain where the link between addiction and MMO's came in?

Im sure many people who get blind drunk every week would say they are not alcoholics when they are enjoying it.

Yes you can play wow casually but it isnt set up to be. Pretty much everything about the game dictates you need to give it your attention on long sessions. I remember questing and it taking 20 minutes to fly there alone, social networking means you can't just bob on for 5 minutes and leave, and the grouping system in all mmos means your tied to the group and your guild.

Work strange hours or have a social life you cant be in a raiding guild. There are some here that say you can, from my experience 18 months playing the game you can not.

If you're happy questing for 1hr putting the game down and coming back the following day doing the same then im happy for you but the game and genre isnt designed around that ethos.

RumbleBee said:
I log on, kill something, develop my character and chat to a few mates. Then I log off, till the next time, which could be in a few days time.

So you pay £9 pm for what is in effect a 3D irc/msn messenger?
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As someone whose never played a MMO - this thread wierdly sounds like one of those AA meetings you see on TV/Films. Expecting you to introduce yourselves soon...

(NB: Ive never been to an AA meeting before, before you ask :p)

ps3ud0 :cool:
My name is Luke and I play World Of Warcraft.

Thank you for sharing that with us, you can sit down now.

Ha. I don't actually play just for the record.
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