If elsewhere it was 15 quid, you'd be allowed to mention it, if it's a couple of quid difference, then no.
If elsewhere it was 15 quid, you'd be allowed to mention it, if it's a couple of quid difference, then no.
Were fully aware were not competitive on games, its not a focus area for us as we simply can't compete, so its fine to say such a game is available from say game for less etc.
To be frank, I think PC World shouldn't be mentioned because it is utterly ****!
so currys is a no (as a lot of their items are crosslinked with their sister store) but comet is a yes as they essentialy target white and brown goods?
Currys, Dixons, PC World and PixMania are all banned as they are part of DSGi company.
Out of interest..
Why don't you guys star those words? or atleast add them to the sticky as BANNED
Quick, ban him for talking about competitors!
Have been wondering the same thing, seems much simpler
Out of interest..
Why don't you guys star those words? or atleast add them to the sticky as BANNED
ahh internet been down all day.
get on check the sticky "yay back to the sensible rules" check this thread different rules agin in the op >.<
Guessing the sticky is the one we're going with now then?
Curry, PC, World?
ahh internet been down all day
The changes were backtracked on and now they're back to what they were before the kick off.I've been at work all day. Been reading the first few pages but just got lost and confused.
Anybody got a summary of significant changes/actions from this thread and a recap of the current rule?
Censored words need to be complete before they're starred.
Hence FT isn't censored but ***, with the W, is.