I received a really bizarre letter at my business today

Big mistake. He was dealing with a strong, powerful, black woman how dare he tell her that he'd "release" her. It prompted a 3 page latter, mostly in capital letters and a large font size where she admonished him for stating he'd release her, how she didn't need his permission to be released etc.. and some stuff about how her African name means powerful, bold etc..etc.. She showed me a copy as she wanted an opinion... I genuinely didn't know what to say. I mean I said perhaps it could be toned down a little and maybe they'd just had a bit of a misunderstanding, but she wasn't having any of it... adamant that the landlord stating he'd release her from the tenancy agreement was somehow a reference to slavery.

Some people I can't even imagine their mindset. Annoyingly I can't remember details now but somewhere I worked one of the guys did a charity event in some kind of military themed fancy dress that made the front page of the local newspaper next thing we know one of the guys (who was always a little bit funny) that worked with him ups and hands his notice in citing it and that he didn't want to be associated with terrorists. Sure I posted about it on here before but I can't find the post quickly.
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