I Take Issue With Some Of These So Called Dog 'Experts...'

Ok so OP is: poodles are awesome and an ancient breed that lived in the wild.

Regardless of that the reality is toy poodles are now bred as handbag pets and no amount of text will change that :D
It's not about my lack of knowledge on this it's about your lack of understanding my point. You mention Orca. Orca feed on a wide variety of prey from small fish to large baleen whales. They do attack sharks but it's a rarity and not a staple of their diet and therefore not the natural order of things. It's an exception to their regular menu. The same applies to all apex predators both on land and in the sea. Every time I mention the natural order of things, what I'm implying is the norm.

It isnt a rarity, orcas have a complete strategy for flipping sharks upside down before killing them. They hunt them as a food source. Where did you get that sharks are an exception or is that your opinion as well?

Well forgetting the fact that by natural order you actually mean food chain (and a primary school level understanding of one at that), what you say is still wrong. Intraguild predation is well documented and occurs throughout the animal kingdom. If its too hard to grasp with current day examples, lets try dinosaurs. Massive predators killed smaller predators all the time. T-rex and spinosaurus would kill basically anything they could, raptors, carnosaurus... anything. Your wording is flawed, understanding is limited, examples are conjecture over fact and your ignorance is astounding :p
It isnt a rarity, orcas have a complete strategy for flipping sharks upside down before killing them. They hunt them as a food source. Where did you get that sharks are an exception or is that your opinion as well?

Sharks do not provide the bulk of Orca dietary needs. They hunt them but the vast majority of their menu is obtained elsewhere. I'm not wasting any more time on this, it's pointless. Have lie down and maybe watch the Discovery Channel, you might learn something. :rolleyes:
Sharks do not provide the bulk of Orca dietary needs. They hunt them but the vast majority of their menu is obtained elsewhere. I'm not wasting any more time on this, it's pointless. Have lie down and maybe watch the Discovery Channel, you might learn something. :rolleyes:

Lol, thats it, bury your head in the sand.
Yes I agree but I was talking about the natural order of things. Now we are talking about exceptions. The natural order of things is that the apex predators at the top of the food chain are carnivores which predate herbivores. Predators rarely actively hunt other predators, they compete with them for prey. They may attack and kill other predators, but this isn't for food it's for survival.

Killer Whales -> Dolphins -> Fish?

Je ne comprends pas

I was just wondering who might have rustled his jimmies and why he thought seeking justification from us was the best way to go about seeking retribution.

The picture was a bonus. A bit like this born apex predator / survivor:

they are a pompous dog bread for looks not for survival.
Today they are.
But that's half the breeds out there.
Poodles are high on the list of intelligent breeds with a hunting heritage and were easily trained to hunt water fowl. Today, they are mostly ornamental, with people forgetting what the gay traditional haircut was designed for, resulting in insane mullets and baubles all over the poor thing.

Actually, you can. Or a poodle jumper or whatever. There are even businesses that will take your bag of dog hair and make it into yarn for you. It's not practical even with very hairy dogs, but it is possible.
I thought poodles were especially popular for this because they're one of teh top hypoallergenic breeds?
Definitely not woollen coat, though!

I think it's rather sad that it's so common for people to proudly boast that they find it too difficult to read a small amount of text.
It's mainly the narrative that isn't particularly engaging.
Ive not read all that text as couldnt be bothered but is op suggesting that a toy poodle is a predatory dog that could strike fear into the hearts of men able to hunt, kill and take down anything in its path?

Ive seen more deadly hamsters.
My dissertation at Uni involved spiders and to begin with I had to go out and find food for them (!) I found many woodlice. My lecturer, an entomologist type, eventually told me spiders hate woodlice. I had been forcing my participants to feed on garbage :(
How about now?

Yes carnivores can eat other carnivores. I never disputed that. A lion, apex predator(:D), doesn't spend most of it's time hunting other predators does it? Just like your orca doesn't spend most of it's time hunting sharks. :rolleyes:
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My dissertation at Uni involved spiders and to begin with I had to go out and find food for them (!) I found many woodlice. My lecturer, an entomologist type, eventually told me spiders hate woodlice. I had been forcing my participants to feed on garbage :(

I was under the impression spiders generally can't eat woodlice, due to the tough shell.

Hence this chap, one of which I found in my downstairs bathroom:

A 'woodlouse spider' - they only eat woodlice and have tough 'teeth' (are they called teeth?) to bite through the shell.
I actually read the OP in its entirety...

In summary:

I have a poodle, I like my poodle, my poodle is quite smart, my poodle acts like a dog!

Poodles have a woolly coat. Why is that? I think people misunderstand poodles.

PS. I think the reports on the origin of the poodle are incorrect because toy poodles are vicious predators.
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