I Take Issue With Some Of These So Called Dog 'Experts...'

Yes carnivores can eat other carnivores. I never disputed that. A lion, apex predator(:D), doesn't spend most of it's time hunting other predators does it? Just like your orca doesn't spend most of it's time hunting sharks. :rolleyes:

You do get that predators and carnivores are the same thing right? In the picture above the orca is a predator to the fish below it (tuna maybe, i dunno), which is a predator to the smaller fish, which is a predator to the zooplankton.

That is literally quite the opposite of what you said doesn't happen :rolleyes: What does most of an animals time have to do with anything? If a predator has another predator as a food source then it eats other predators, something you repeatedly state doesn't happen despite being given numerous examples by numerous people of this exact thing happening. The rate of consumption doesn't remove a predator from a prey list.

From your example, a lion spends most of its time hunting prey. It's prey is anything edible that is weaker than itself. This includes other predators (carnivores) and herbivores.
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You do get that predators and carnivores are the same thing right? In the picture above the orca is a predator to the fish below it (tuna maybe, i dunno), which is a predator to the smaller fish, which is a predator to the zooplankton.

That is literally quite the opposite of what you said doesn't happen :rolleyes:

I think we've been talking at cross purposes. If you go back to where this all started, I made a remark about how felines don't eat canines. In my mind I was thinking about apex predators like lions and tigers or wolves or jackals. With an apex predator like a lion(feline) or a wolf(canine), they tend to hunt almost exclusively on herbivores. This being the natural order of things.
I think we've been talking at cross purposes. If you go back to where this all started, I made a remark about how felines don't eat canines. In my mind I was thinking about apex predators like lions and tigers or wolves or jackals. With an apex predator like a lion(feline) or a wolf(canine), they tend to hunt almost exclusively on herbivores. This being the natural order of things.

Mountain lions regularly eat dogs when people go walking. Apex predators, clearly don't mostly eat herbivores, that's ridiculous. :rolleyes:
Apex predators, clearly don't mostly eat herbivores, that's ridiculous. :rolleyes:

What is a lions main source of food? The most common prey are zebras, giraffes, pigs, cape buffalo, antelope and wildebeests. All of which are herbivores. I'm done with you m8, you're just trolling me.
I'm feeling nice, here's a childrens illustration for you...


The mouse, rabbit and goat are herbivores. Everything else is a predator. That is quite literally showing that lions eat other predators.
Forgive me if I don't take that diagram as gospel truth... :p

Where exactly do goats, jackals that look like wolves, African lions, pink rabbits, green snakes, wild cats that look like toy tigers, kites that look like american eagles, barn owls, and mice live in a forest together?

I think that is a child's illustration, rather than a childrens illustration. :D
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What is a lions main source of food? The most common prey are zebras, giraffes, pigs, cape buffalo, antelope and wildebeests. All of which are herbivores. I'm done with you m8, you're just trolling me.

They are simply picking the easiest to kill, most abundant food source. Which is what i said. It's all risk-reward. You're placing an entire argument (basically a huge generalisation with a blazingly incorrect sweeping statement) on a very specific selection. If the lion was surrounded entirely by wolves, it would eat wolves.

Forgive me if I don't take that diagram as gospel truth... :p

Where exactly do goats, jackals that look like wolves, African lions, pink rabbits, green snakes, wild cats that look like toy tigers, kites that look like american eagles, barn owls, and mice live in a forest together?

I think that is a child's illustration, rather than a childrens illustration. :D

You're a muppet. It's clearly an accurate food chain, even if the depictions aren't photo realistic. Africa also has some VERY large forests. So i'll go with there.
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I was just wondering who might have rustled his jimmies and why he thought seeking justification from us was the best way to go about seeking retribution.

The picture was a bonus. A bit like this born apex predator / survivor:


Well actually on a standard poodle, that would be considered a working cut. They were used as water retrievers & were cut like that to keep the weight of the coat down, while insulating the chest & joints.
Mountain lions are nasty!
When attacking a guard dog that has been chained up, yeah... !
Give it the same go at an unchained guard/attack dog and I daresay the odds are less in the lion's favour... especially against a dog bred for it's ability to hold several lions back while alerting the master to come shoot them.
Plenty of videos showing lions losing to a dog, too.
When attacking a guard dog that has been chained up, yeah... !
Give it the same go at an unchained guard/attack dog and I daresay the odds are less in the lion's favour... especially against a dog bred for it's ability to hold several lions back while alerting the master to come shoot them.
Plenty of videos showing lions losing to a dog, too.

A lot of the comments in that video seem to suggest that the collar and chain in this instance saved the dog's life. Obviously, the dog would probably have been able to get away or attack without being restrained but from the video, it seems the cat over-powered the dog without the chain being a factor.
Well actually on a standard poodle, that would be considered a working cut. They were used as water retrievers & were cut like that to keep the weight of the coat down, while insulating the chest & joints.

Woah! Slow down there with your facts and reason.

There's plenty more flaming and arguing to be done here. This is a rich seam that needs to be mined good!
They are simply picking the easiest to kill, most abundant food source. Which is what i said. It's all risk-reward. You're placing an entire argument (basically a huge generalisation with a blazingly incorrect sweeping statement) on a very specific selection. If the lion was surrounded entirely by wolves, it would eat wolves.

i think the wolves would eat the lion :p
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