I thought Sweden was a nice place...

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I know Malmo - very good mate is from there and I've been a fair few times.

One statistic from there that stood out in my mind was for one given year recently there were 50 grenade attacks!

20 years ago the worst the police had to deal with was drunks on a Friday night.

The guy I know from there has strong opinions on what has happened to his home town. I won't repeat them here.

The biggest economy in the world is essentially an entire population built by colonisation and mass immigration....and it is only 250 years old.

Said country's most famous landmark is literally a statue that symbolises welcoming immigrants to its shores.
History only matters when it's personal.
You’re talking 1000 and more years ago.

It has no relevance to the modern world.

That history is massively important to the current make-up of this country.

It's like saying the Romans were irrelevant to the modern world because all their best (or worst) work was done long ago.

Regardless, this thread seems to be going in one direction, 'muh immigrants', rather than focusing on the specific issue in Sweden.
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Not really. Use emojis if being sarcastic.
My wife's cousin got the **** kicked out of him because he was mates with a "Jew."... nice right?
His mum is a dinner lady/cook in a school where the ethnicity/religion of the kids is 95% Muslim.
It's the classic ghetto mentality.
Zero integration with Swedish culture and Swedish political system being so accommodating and passive. No push to really adapt
Falafel is Malmö favourite dish..... really?

Importing sub Saharan Africa to Europe was never a great plan and when the kids will literally kill for 100kr....

Complete culture clash.

Obviously not everyone.....
It's the same all over the West now, but Swedish police are pussies and the country is a complete soft touch.

Been a few rapes of peace in my little town of 20000. Men that simply have no reference point of what is right and wrong and western women that dress too little, obviously "asking for it" in the idiots mind....
Products of **** hole countries

The biggest economy in the world is essentially an entire population built by colonisation and mass immigration....and it is only 250 years old.

Said country's most famous landmark is literally a statue that symbolises welcoming immigrants to its shores.
America is a joke. Minus the veneer of culture around the coasts

The biggest economy in the world is essentially an entire population built by colonisation and mass immigration....and it is only 250 years old.

Said country's most famous landmark is literally a statue that symbolises welcoming immigrants to its shores.
Because it was essentially "brand new" from a civilisation point of view, and was a blank slate. A vessel perfect for filling with people. We are not "The New World".
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