I thought Sweden was a nice place...

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Oh yes, well done. Consider the perfectly reasonable arguments made in this thread totally owned. You have truly demonstrated that your point of view is the reasonable one.

I find it very interesting to have your insight on this subbectt @Efour, being a resident there gives us a much better view of what's actually going on than on other issues in foreign lands.
Nice of you edit and quote something i never even said....

Also since you edited the quote to say "moustache man bad" im assuming that means you think Hitler was good? Or is it a case of im just putting words in your mouth like you are mine?
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Nice of you edit and quote something i never even said....
No really, I mean it, very well played. The thread was going just fine until you posted a totally wild "you're all Nazis" accusation. Moustache man bad, and we are the same, obviously. Thread successfully torpedoed, and your POV is clearly the winning one. I look forward to many more totally productive interactions with your obviously good faith approach.

The point is that we have always been a product of immigration armed or not armed from at least 2000 years ago.
Yes, we know. Our point is that this is a very silly point. Care to respond to our carefully considered posts challenging it, rather than just repeating it?

I'm personally very pleased to see a western nation at least making noises around trying to combat this. Whether it actually comes to anything is a different matter. It's important to note that it's going to be difficult to separate the issue from immigration, as this issue is predominantly based around Swedish immigrant areas.
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You are not making the point you think you are.
All of those were armed invasions.
The Anglo-Saxons and Jutes were cordially invited by Vortigern, to protect the resident British population of the Roman Imperial province, from raids by the Gauls, Celts, Picts and so on.
There was no invasion, as such. Just a mostly peaceful migration and settling, with a few skirmishes in defence of the existing locals.
You guys are talking the most general nonsense about centuries of people migration for whatever reason Vs 30 years of "people" turning up and become the defacto criminals in a country.

Your discussion would be better if you said it from the point of some Celtic tribes suddenly getting a bit miffed with an influx of Roman wine traders suddenly cornering the market and anyone that messed with them got the sharp end of a gladius.

Romantic talk about immigration isn't what this is about.
You guys are talking the most general nonsense about centuries of people migration for whatever reason Vs 30 years of "people" turning up and become the defacto criminals in a country.

Your discussion would be better if you said it from the point of some Celtic tribes suddenly getting a bit miffed with an influx of Roman wine traders suddenly cornering the market and anyone that messed with them got the sharp end of a gladius.

Romantic talk about immigration isn't what this is about.
Unfortunately thats juat the way it goes when ever the issue of legal immigration and its pitfalls are raised. Folks will either purposely conflate illegal and legal immigration or start chuntering on about Romans/Anglo saxons etc 1500 odd years ago or the usa all the while ignoring that successful integration of immigrants requires a core value of shared beliefs which isnt happening in recent times.
The Anglo-Saxons and Jutes were cordially invited by Vortigern, to protect the resident British population of the Roman Imperial province, from raids by the Gauls, Celts, Picts and so on.
There was no invasion, as such. Just a mostly peaceful migration and settling, with a few skirmishes in defence of the existing locals.
Just looked that up.... I'm not sure that went as peacefully as you're implying... One story. ...

"....The story of why Vortigern granted land in Britain to the Saxons, first to Thanet in exchange for service as foederati troops, then to the rest of Kent in exchange for marriage to Hengest's daughter,[6] then to Essex and Sussex after a banquet where the Saxons treacherously slew all of the leaders of the British but saved Vortigern to extract this ransom..."
Just looked that up.... I'm not sure that went as peacefully as you're implying...
Largely peaceful by contemporary measures. There was a lot of cultural integration and the continuation of existing Roman societal structuring, which does not happen with an invasion as the invaders seek to displace existing lifestyles with their own.
Is it about dehumanising those less fortunate?
No it's about finding a problem and fixing the problem. Approaching it from all available avenues.

There's nothing less fortunate about being an Albanien drug baron. They probably have a life 50x better than they could ever have eked out in their homeland, at the expense of their new business homeland.

It's the same as knife crime in London.
There's a clear group to target but it's too scary to do stop and search because it's racist.

im not a giant racist, contrary to beliefs. :p I'm just so bored of the way we are sleep walking into a future of crap.

But...it is what it is and we won't change tack. We will keep pussyfooting about until it's completely too late. Criminal element sin society that can be easily identified should be eradicated then measures taken to not be fertile ground for them to re-establish. We can't travel back in time so we do the best we can now.
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Largely peaceful by contemporary measures. There was a lot of cultural integration and the continuation of existing Roman societal structuring, which does not happen with an invasion as the invaders seek to displace existing lifestyles with their own.

The Romans had one of their largest standing (occupying) armies in Britain for centuries, to the point where its sheer size challenged Rome itself. Never subdued the island and eventually gave up.

Some integration.
No it's about finding a problem and fixing the problem. Approaching it from all available avenues.

There's nothing less fortunate about being an Albanien drug baron. They probably have a life 50x better than they could ever have eked out in their homeland, at the expense of their new business homeland.
But it's not one problem is it?

We have a growing unproductive elderly populace, less newborns and less passionate/more risk averse workers as well as lolworthy levels of investment into automation compared to similar countries... something has to give.
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But it's not one problem is it?

We have a growing unproductive elderly populace, less newborns and less passionate/more risk averse workers as well as lolworthy levels of investment into automation compared to similar countries... something has to give.
Problem(s) :p ok

And yes... the whole of the west has set itself up for this and it's time to reap what we, our parents, have sown.

I don't see a way out, short of a nationalism political movement and that brings its own set of disaster as we all know.

It's a cyclical mess and were on the down stroke.
Usage of hand grenades reached a significant peak in 2016. According to police in Gothenburg and Malmö in 2016, the use of hand grenades by criminals in Sweden is a phenomenon which is unusual for all comparable countries both inside and outside the EU.[7] According to criminologists Manne Gerell and Amir Rostami, the only other country that keeps track of hand grenade explosions is Mexico. While Mexico has a murder rate 20 times that of Sweden, on the specific category of grenade explosions per capita the two countries were comparable at the time.[5][8] According to police authorities, many of the hand grenades used are weapons which originate from the Yugoslav Wars,[9] and the hand grenades found by the police are exclusively the ex-Yugoslavian M75 hand grenade.[10]

That's a direct link to the hugely dissproprtionate use of explosives.
"They" probably snuffled up a container load back in the day of that war and now have them on tap.
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