I5 2500k - Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3P Overclocking

well again, not sure if BIOS or RAM but I'm now at 4.3ghz, no BSOD like I used to get on any clocks with F6 and Crucial RAM.
Hi All,

I haven't overclocked since my Celeron Coppermine days lol, so I am a Newbie!

I started to overclock at the advised setting for 4.5ghz (nothing different) and all was going well for a week.

Then I formatted my computer at the weekend and now I have been getting 124 blue screens under no load.

I went back to stock and all was ok, then jumped to 4.5ghz and it blue screened again.

This morning before I left for work, I was messing around with the voltage by setting them lower. I started at 1.250 blue screen before windows, then up to 1.260 same again, then 1.280 and it was only stable until 1.300. Is that normal?

My machine has been running for 7hours38mins, cpu vore sitting at 1.36/7 Cpu temp 65c but has hit 68 at some point today.

I will point a screenshot later for your pleasure :)

Does these/this sound normal?

Thanks in advance.


Hi All,


Yes that's fine, every system will be different but by the sounds of things you were taking you're VCore way too low.
As for it now being on 1.36/7 that sound about right. But use the steps below and you should be able to find it's sweet spot and hopefully have the VCore lower if possible. But it just depends if you got a lucky chip or not ;).

If you want to get you're system to it's "sweet spot" I recently helped out somebody else that was new to overclocking in this thread. Quoted it for you below:
Use the settings in the first post of the thread as a template. The LLC should be fine at the level recommended. Mine is still set as such.

As for the VCore boot the system with the template VCore and run 10 run of Intel burn test on the highest setting. If no problems occur take the VCore down a notch and repeat until the system crashes either on start-up or when running the burn test. Once you find the point it crashes at bump the VCore back up to the point where it was stable and leave it there for now.

Then later today or tomorrow leave the computer on over night running prime95. Prime95 slowly adjusts to get more and more demanding on the CPU so it should test most possible situations you're CPU will encounter stress wise. If you wake up to a bluescreen persist to bump the VCore up one more.

If other problems persist post back here and I'm sure we can try and help with other settings such as VTT and DRAM voltage. But like said Neil's settings are pretty solid in the first place so it shouldn't come to this ;)

Make sure you monitor the Temperature and VCore while running the tests. I recommend HWmonitor. You don't really want the temp over 70/75c and a VCore no higher than 1.42/1.45v. VCore wise I'm running at 4.40Ghz and get a VCore of 1.31 idle and around 1.36/7 under load so aim around this. Obviously the higher the overclock the higher VCore you will expect so if you are going for a 4.50 or above expect higher ;)

As for running it over night this kind of requires abit of trust but after doing the testing with the burn test before hand it should be ok. The system should shut-down before anything bad happens. If you are paranoid like my self (And a poor student how wouldn't be able to afford another computer). Set your self aside an afternoon and having it running. Boil the kettle and catch up on a TV show or watch a movie. Keep checking back intermittently to make sure you're computer isn't on fire XD
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Me Again!:confused:

I managed to run all night in prime95 and it lasted the full 24hours.

But my machine was just sitting on the desktop and i got a blue screen :(

Any Ideas

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xfffffa8009571028, 0x00000000be200000, 0x000000000005110a). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 102512-8252-01.


Me Again!:confused:
I managed to run all night in prime95 and it lasted the full 24hours.

But my machine was just sitting on the desktop and i got a blue screen :(

Any Ideas

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xfffffa8009571028, 0x00000000be200000, 0x000000000005110a). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 102512-8252-01.

Aha yeah mine used to do this a lot. Bugged the hell out of me and spent a stupidly long time trying to work out what it was. Just bump the VCore up one more and that should do that trick. I had the same error, tried new drivers, format etc etc seeing as it passed benchmarks. Think it's just down to bad power management in low power idle states. Used to happen a lot being idle on YouTube etc
No worries :).

I was only just going through the same process back in January and having the help was great especially seeing as it was my first overclock on my own money XD

Yeah goodluck, best thing I found was to find a long-ish youtube video and let it just sit there and play through on 720p for say 10min without touching the mouse what so ever. That was what normally done it for me.

And well I will hold you to that!
Oh your going to fall out with me :)

I have the CPU VCore set to 1.305 is this right on the pic? why so high?

And again

Cheers Again
This is due to the LLC level you set when following Neil's guide and is perfectly normal, it steps up the VCore when needed to tackle VDroop, this is the alternative to dynamic VCore which will tend to run at a higher VCore that it would if it was set dynamicly but due to the instability of the dynamic VCore on this board it's the one to go with ;)

For example I'm running 4.3Ghz and in my BIOS it is set to 1.295 I think and in HWmonitor it currently shows as 1.31 and can go as high as around 1.37 when stress testing/playing battlefield ;)

Hope this helps :)
Hey peeps,

What is the best BIOS to use with this board as the new BIOS has gimped overclocking and I can't adjust the vcore :/

My findings with this mother board and i7 2600k

Sorry to revive an old thread, but i have been overclocking with this board and my i7 2600k (found the settings in this thread very useful and have used them) and thought i would share my results.

Let me know if this all sounds ok?

Gigabyte BIOS version: F8

4.5 GHz
Stable at -
BIOS vcore: 1.315v
LLC: 6
Windows reports: 1.31v IDLE / 1.37v LOAD

4.6 GHz
Stable at -
BIOS vcore: 1.345v
LLC: 6
Windows reports: 1.34v IDLE / 1.42v LOAD

4.7 GHz
So far can't get this stable, highest i have tried is....
BIOS vcore: 1.385v
LLC: 6
Windows reports: 1.38v IDLE / 1.45v LOAD

Temps in all tests temps are below 60c (on EK HF Supreme).

Let me know your thoughts on the above?

Bit annoyed i can't get 4.7 and above stable, seems to need a lot of volts on this chip and LLC is pushing the vcore during testing up to 1.45v+.

I have tried lots of other overclocking approaches with this board such as using the Dynamic vcore, but this is very unstable, and also just setting a fixed vcore, again this is a bit unstable due to vdroop on this board. But using pretty much the exact settings in this thread i can do up to 4.6 Ghz.

Not sure i am a fan of Load Line Calibration, as it is pushing the vcore quite high in windows, tried lowering the LLC to Level 5 etc but it isn't stable, so LLC 6 seems the best setting.

(I have tried LLC 5 for 4.6 and upped the vcore to 1.37v but it failed IBT - so seem the settings i have listed above are the only ones which work on this mobo).


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Hi people, now I know this may be an old thread but I just wanted to join in as I just got this motherboard to replace my Z68AP-D3.
However I have some questions.
After updating the BIOS to U1G, I noticed that I no longer have the LLC option available?
Is there anyway to get this back as I cant seem to find a stable OC without it.
I can't even do 4.5GHz on this with 1.35v without LLC, whereas I can do 4.5GHz with my old Z68AP-D3 with 1.34v with LLC level 6.
jony cant you flash back to your previous bios?

tried compensating for vdroop with more dvid?

on gigabyte z68 you cant use llc and dvid together its one or the other
Hi people, now I know this may be an old thread but I just wanted to join in as I just got this motherboard to replace my Z68AP-D3.
However I have some questions.
After updating the BIOS to U1G, I noticed that I no longer have the LLC option available?
Is there anyway to get this back as I cant seem to find a stable OC without it.
I can't even do 4.5GHz on this with 1.35v without LLC, whereas I can do 4.5GHz with my old Z68AP-D3 with 1.34v with LLC level 6.

For me to have 4.6 GHz with my 2500k I have just set the CPU core voltage to normal, The DVID to +0.065 and cpu clock ratio to 46.

I have found using offset to overclock works a lot better for me rather than LLC. Also using offset means the voltage drops when idle as well.
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