Decided i'm going to water cool this Skeleton.
Aren't too many examples out there so no well trodden path re location of the kit, as in Rad goes her, pump there res down there etc
I'm be mounting a Phobya G-Changer 360 rev 1,2 vertically on the outside of the case, secured to the lower mesh panel.
This will be linked to a EK-DDC X-RES 140 with a Swiftech MCP355 Laing DDC-Pump 12V DDC-1Plus 18W Ultra coupled to it, also attached to the mesh on the outside of the case.
Just cooling the CPU at first, but with this rad i should have no bother if I add GPU etc at a later date.
Welcome ideas on tubing and dye coulour, I'm thinking yellow dye (can anyone recommend a good deep yellow) and clear or yellow tubing, and useing black compression fittings (bitspower if I can get hold of them.
So do i start a new thread or carry on with this one