i7 Skeleton build and mod log

I've enjoyed this mod and build so much, that i'm going to do another in the not to distant future. I'll be using the Skeleton again.

So guys? any suggestions for colour schemes? I've got a few ideas, but would love to hear yours.
Haven't managed to swap out the LED switches yet, but have added in some UV tubes to highlight the yellow UV braiding.








Thanks for the feed back guys, The lighting is still a work in progress as I lack the skills necessary to have the confidence to change out LEDs that are linked tothe MOBO. Don't want things to go Foooom.

I'm about to start another mod of a skeleton and am thinking of throwing the the idea for the mod open to the forum, so what do you guys think? what would you do with it????
Many thanks Marine, I've been following your V351R build. I'm fairly new to this and not nearly in your league, so your compliments are much appreciated.
If it was me I wouldnt mod another skeleton but get a proper case and mod that.

I know everyone, well, most modders, have these 'normal' cases, but imo a well modded 'normal' case is better than a modded skeleton.
If it was me I wouldnt mod another skeleton but get a proper case and mod that.

I know everyone, well, most modders, have these 'normal' cases, but imo a well modded 'normal' case is better than a modded skeleton.

having seen what I've done with this one, somebody has asked me to build and mod one for them. They have young kids so I'll be incorporating the mesh kit into their build so as to stop prying fingers damaging the PC (and the kid I suppose). As I've really enjoyed doing it and have a few more ideas I want to try out I thought why not.

Don't get me wrong, I like traditional cases a great deal, every other PC I've ever had has been in one, but thought as we're all trying to make something that looks normal and "stock" look individual by modding it, I would start with something that didn't look that normal in the first place.
Just taken the rig to 4.2 (200 x21) and all seems very well.
core temps are between 35 and 40 degrees at idle, rising to 75-82 after an hour or so of prime95

Tried for 4.3, it would boot and run windoes, surf and even 3D mark, but BSOD'd about 10 seconds into prime.
Hey G-Dubs im about to start modding the skeleton as well and i am going to paint the grey frame all black. i was wondering how you painted the buttons so well without painting the lights. is there a trick to this or do i just have to be that precise with an exacto knife???
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