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I9 9900k

I know it's not a 9900k but i am having a terrible time with my 9700k hanging during boot or getting into windows then rebooting even with stock settings, spent hours last night trying to fix it, it worked for a few hours previously.

I'm using Gigabyte aorus memory on a maximus hero and i think it should be fine with that memory, i've seen others use it on this board, not sure if it's the memory, mobo or cpu that is the problem.

I've asked to return the memory and if that's not the problem i'll have to return the cpu and mobo.

Are you using XMP, as this can cause problems sometimes. ?
Tried the ram in different slots, doesn't seem to make a difference, what should my SA and IO voltages be at stock?.

That will be defined by the bios, auto values will sometimes overvolt, depending on your ram speed, try 1.150v for both values to start with, are you setting the ram voltage manually, there is two ram voltages in the bios, one is the boot voltage and one is the eventual voltage.
No, i can get into windows at least and even play games, xmp seems to working again now, cant figure it out.

Really wanted a day of gaming today before i'm back at work. :(
After I got my system stable, I started tuning it for my use case. outside of basic office usage, my "heavy" usage is sim racing in VR which doesn't care for hyperthreading and occasional BF5 which also shows no benefit from HT. Simracing and VR in particular love clock speed and generally won't scale past 2-3 cores but that few hundred extra Mhz can mean the difference between a smooth 90fps or an unpleasant experience.

Also being on air with an "ok" cooler "Dark Rock 4" I decided to disable hyper threading and see what happens.

In short, I dropped temp highs by ~20c and gained 200mhz clockspeed at exactly the same voltage: 1.27v with LLC Turbo.

I was quite surprised to see the stress HT was placing on the system given it's 0 benefits for my use case. To be fair, my goal was to buy the 9900k for a 5+ year long stretch similar to the 2600k before that. As the CPU ages and workloads get more hungry, I can turn on HT and get more life out of the CPU so that's always been the plan.
You’re more temp limited than vcore. Stay below 1.35v I doubt you can contain temps at 1.4v with AIO.

At 1.35v I was throttling in games with my old z370, just for info. Temps seem to skyrocket after 1.3v. I used LLC level 6 with an Asus board and upped the voltage till stable. I would say if you have an AIO 5GHz is not worth it if you need over 1.3v. I didn't listen to my own advice and bought a better z390 motherboard though, so what do I know! I can't help myself.
At 1.35v I was throttling in games with my old z370, just for info. Temps seem to skyrocket after 1.3v. I used LLC level 6 with an Asus board and upped the voltage till stable. I would say if you have an AIO 5GHz is not worth it if you need over 1.3v. I didn't listen to my own advice and bought a better z390 motherboard though, so what do I know! I can't help myself.

what mobo?
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