
Time to post up your results as per our gentleman’s agreement or forever be ensconced on the wall of shame.

We have done a spreadsheet on the results to date along with a couple of comparison charts.



It needs to burn in usually 2-4 hours!

Thanks for the heads up. I did some prime testing at 5GHz a few minutes after applying the paste and wasn't too pleased with the temperatures, perhaps thats why! :p

I'll try it again. :)

And I think I may need to re-apply it, because I was faffing with the CPU block, so I broke contact with the paste and then re-made contact again.
yes that will introduce air inot the joint and thus spoil it all.

YOu can however WET the cpus ihs first by applying a small amount of icd-then lifting up the block and then checking for spread and then apply a bit more in the centre on top of the other layer.

I have seen good results from this.

What is the CPU you are using


Frost dragon
It is an i7 2700K. I was sitting at 5GHz with 1.424v at the time. Day to day is 4.6GHz with 1.317v however. :)
Would love to, but my tube never turned up (not even a "postage underpaid" notice that a few others got). Thanks for the generous giveaway and sorry I can't provide any results towards it. :(
Will be able to try it out soon as I am finally upgrading. Just waiting on the Asus Strix 970 being back in stock.

What pressure in lb would I need to use? The HSF I have says it can apply a total of 70lb of force to the cpu.
Will be able to try it out soon as I am finally upgrading. Just waiting on the Asus Strix 970 being back in stock.

What pressure in lb would I need to use? The HSF I have says it can apply a total of 70lb of force to the cpu.

More is always better, a thinner bond line will have less resistance. 70lbs is pretty much max for Intel spec.

Stock sinks usually run in the 35-45 lb range

80% of the after market sinks we have sampled are between 50 lbs and 62lbs.

unless sink/IHS contact is wanting you will gain a couple of degrees with the added pressure.

I have just purchased a gtx 970 msi 4g gaming card. I will be reviewing it shortly for my site, however I will also look at how much better IC-DIAMOND Is over the stock paste:)

frost dragon
Does this stain the CPU? Also how many processors could you do with a 1.5g tube?
Is there any difference between the 7 carat and 24 carat as they both say the same in the description?
The staining of the CPU is easy to get off using Akasa TIM cleaner or Arctic cleaner, just let the cleaner soak into the paste then it comes off easy peasy, don't rub let the cleaner do the job.

Difference between 7 carat and 24 carat is 1.5g and 4.8g the paste is identical.
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