Icecold's mobility thread

Need to get back on to my mobility...I'm about as Mobil as a plank of wood at the moment :p

I'm still reasonable sore around my hips and my adductor still hurts from over stretching a few weeks back :eek:.

I'm just about able to manage sticking my butt out as far as possible without falling over, while doing squat to stand with reach (wasn't able to do that last week! :)). I should hopefully get my bands this week to work on my ankle mobility too.
I actually buggered my right leg up showing someone a stretch a while bag while a tad abbreviated, won't be doing that again
While im doing all this hip/ankle mobility (and all the other issues that is wrong with me :p). I thought I might as well learn to do the splits (dont know why, just always wanted to be able to do them). It seems to be helping somewhat too!
Green one is good :)

Hi, Ice. I've not read the thread but I did a quick search in it, to no avail.

Do you have any mobility exercises for the traps? Mine seem to be really stiff, to the point where it can be uncomfortable to sleep.

Ram a ball in to them? Literally, get a ball, place it on a wall, move up and down like theres no tomorrow :p


Just wondering, could you let me know what could cause tilt on the hips? Or what muscles would cause the lower back to get tight? :)

I'll do some digging around but thought I'd throw that in there

Are they always stiff? Or is it induced by a particular movement?


Tilt in which direction?

Lower back tightness could be caused by many things; poor lower anterior core control/strength, short hamstrings, tight glutes, tight anterior hip tissues (hip flexors, quads, etc.)...

Can you be more specific?
Hard to explain really!...So the front tilts 'down' and the rear would tilt 'up' towards the spine almost, if that makes sense?

Would'nt have thought hams, if they were tight it would do the opposite I would have thought...So could possibly be the abductors pulling =/ No idea
Hold on, you're talking about anterior pelvic tilt inducing lower back pain?

I explained this in your thread, it's the things I mentioned above. Probably a lack of anterior core strength and activation combined with a tight anterior hip.

For the record, short hamstrings can cause rounding in the lower back as they pull the hips under when you hinge at the hip. If you're loading your back at this point, this could lead to pain.
Hold on, you're talking about anterior pelvic tilt inducing lower back pain?

I explained this in your thread, it's the things I mentioned above. Probably a lack of anterior core strength and activation combined with a tight anterior hip.

For the record, short hamstrings can cause rounding in the lower back as they pull the hips under when you hinge at the hip. If you're loading your back at this point, this could lead to pain.

I don't know, am I? :p I'll dig out the thread again, and I apologies for not updating it, things have been hectic here and a lot of things have been on hold for a while due to it and other things going on currently :(

Will look up Anterior Core strength things to do in the meantime though.

Your last statement scares me, as that may be the exact reason I hurt myself no doubt...So it could be that my hams are tight as well. Well, I can guarantee there is some tightness really.

EDIT: Just read an article on Anterior Core work actually, while I was performing planks, I probably need to do them more...Will look at the overall pain I'm getting and see where to begin...
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I'm guessing your body would need to get 'used' to training in a new way as it would be used to the 'old' movement as it where...

Not sure how you would need to go about it, probably just drop the weights down and work on form again for a bit?
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