No need to apologise you took the time to read my lengthy post.
When you say seek a professional who would be best to see? It doesn't feel like a muscle strain, I can pick the spot on my back where it is tender and it is bang on a vertebrae. What are my options;
A chiro - From previous experience seem more about manipulation than actual program to help
Physio - Can form a plan to help me build the muscles/stretch in the correct manner
Drs - To see what they say and to maybe be passed on for a scan or on to a physio.
After every gym session I make sure to do some stretches a physio gave me a while back with regards to hip flexors and tight ham strings.
I will watch those videos when I get a moment thanks for the links.
When you say seek a professional who would be best to see? It doesn't feel like a muscle strain, I can pick the spot on my back where it is tender and it is bang on a vertebrae. What are my options;
A chiro - From previous experience seem more about manipulation than actual program to help
Physio - Can form a plan to help me build the muscles/stretch in the correct manner
Drs - To see what they say and to maybe be passed on for a scan or on to a physio.
After every gym session I make sure to do some stretches a physio gave me a while back with regards to hip flexors and tight ham strings.
I will watch those videos when I get a moment thanks for the links.