icecold's training log

ice you still on your uni email?
if so you got mail ;)

edit: mail delivery failure!
Can you drop me a mail to lifeisepic[at]
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Training 03/10/12

Terrible training session! I felt achy all over my back and posterior chain all day, which is hardly a great start to deadlift day.

180x1 - this actually felt REALLY good, probably my fastest ever rep. Literally felt like 100kg...
200x1 - starting to feel like this could lead to a big top set
220x1 - still good!
245x1.5 :mad::mad::mad: set up felt weird, didn't really get any tension or stiffness. First rep went up quite fast, if a little shaky, but then it bounced about a foot to my left. 2nd rep might have gone up after I chased the bar down and set up again, but it was meant to be 3 and that certainly wasn't going to happen. Let's try again...
245xwtf this bar is misloaded :( set up was great this time, got it to my knee before I realised there was 5kg less on one side. ****! Felt my right side QL (side of low back) instantly fatigue, don't think it's injured.
232.5x2 not terrible, but so fatigued and frustrated!

Narrow grip bench (in between close grip and regular)
bar x lots
First time doing these, felt ok

Paused squats
Sacked off. Posterior chain now far too tight

Kroc rows

The only consolation was the epic amounts of chinese food I consumed afterwards...
Sounds like a fun session ;)

Good work on 245, but when are you going to start lifting a max?
Haha yeah, I'm still learning!

Not for a while now, just because of the timing of this comp it doesn't make sense to peak before it. I may get a couple of soft PBs (like yesterday), but I'm hoping to time my taper to max out at comp.

Which could go horribly wrong!
So it's not a good idea to pull a max in advance of a comp to know what you've potentially got in the tank? Makes planning your 3 lifts easier surely?
damn that session sounded a bit rough ice, nice PB though.

I would be interested to know about pulling PB's pre comp as LiE says above would it be nice to know where your potentially at? is there a suggested "dont try a rm session within x months of comp date"?
So it's not a good idea to pull a max in advance of a comp to know what you've potentially got in the tank? Makes planning your 3 lifts easier surely?

damn that session sounded a bit rough ice, nice PB though.

I would be interested to know about pulling PB's pre comp as LiE says above would it be nice to know where your potentially at? is there a suggested "dont try a rm session within x months of comp date"?
The problem with working out your max so that you know where you're at for a comp is that you never know what will effect you on the day (all other factors aside, you've just maxed your squat). That's not to say that in general it's a bad idea, but the way I wanted to lay out my training running up to the comp doesn't allow for hitting 2 peaks. If there was an extra week I'd probably go for a max though.

It doesn't really make picking comp weights any harder either.

Taking my deadlift for example, this is what I'd pick as of this moment:
Opener - 220kg - comfortable confidence boosting weight

2nd lift - 240-245kg - depending on how the opener moved

3rd lift - if my 2nd attempt at 245kg moved like it should have done last night, then I'd go for 255kg

Those are weights that I'd be confident of getting.

It's also worth knowing your goals for a comp. For me, this one is about getting a little bit more experience, getting my squats back to a reasonable standard and getting a decent deadlift. In my next comp (which won't be until next year) I'll probably go for balls out maxes.
Training 06/10/12

Bar x 20
180x1 - too light
190x5 - still a bit more there, but knowing how fast these are fatiguing me...
All easy until the 4th rep of my 2nd to last set. There is clearly a lot of metabolic stimulus going on still, but it's not the end of the world.

Deadlifts + 6chains (+~50kg at the top)
Pretty knackered after the squats!

Bench + 4chains (+~40kg)
bar x lots
Got easier as the sets went on :/


Pleased with the squats, there's definitely already 200+kg there. Not bad for my 2nd week out of rehab*.

*please don't break!
Cheers. I'm pretty surprised by how quickly I've bounced back, somehow I'm already lifting more weight than when I injured myself :confused: I'm guessing that just goes to show I was pretty broken on the lead up to actually snapping something.

No sign of any pain, I just need to keep on top of tightness.
Training 08/10/12

Box squat
bar x 20
190x3 PB
Felt slow and rubbish at the time, looked good and slightly too easy on video. I think I need to get my confidence back...

bar x lots
125x3 PB
130x3 PB o.0 only 2.5kg off my 1RM :confused: wasn't even slow, more there if I'd jumped straight to it
125x1 got a bad hand off onto my terrible set up so decided not to push it

120x5 DOH
160x5 DOH - grip just made it! Grip PB?
Called it a day, need some recovery...

DB bench
40x5x2 just to get some blood flowing

Trying to keep the volume down this week because next week is back to higher rep stuff and my body is starting to complain (in general, nothing specific).
Training 10/10/12

250x2 PB :cool:
More in the tank, it possibly could have been a dirty triple.

Narrow bench
bar x lots
115x5x3 PB

Face pulls

Leg press
Several sets of 5

Kroc rows

It's like in 6 weeks something has clicked in a majorly good way in your deads and you are repping much more, more easily :)

Obviously, this is primarily my curl assistance work.

Things really picked up in the last two months, which I think is down to a few factors. It's certainly partially down to not being injured any more.
Ice, stop lifting the light weights ;)

When you setup, I noticed you start off in front of the bar then sit back into pure tightness. Is that something you found works well for getting the PS tight?
I'm actually not sure!

I think it might be that the forward position allows me to maintain the "pre-tightness" and pressure from when I'm stood up.

I'm tempted to work in a single next wednesday... I'll see how I feel.
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