Awesome squatting as usual
The pump is pretty crazy from keeping so much tension on the chest. I normally follow up with some volume too by which point my chest feels swol.
Are you starting the 4 week comp prep next week?
I've definitely put some mass on my chest since putting more emphasis on paused reps. It's slowly feeling more comfortable too. I may play around with some heavy negatives with a pause on the chest - I've totally made that up as a thing, but it sounds like it will a) look awesome, and b) do me some favours.
I technically started my comp prep on Sunday to avoid the gym closures. I'm trying to squeeze some last minute gains out of my hamstring recovery so my prep is going to be a little more complicated.
Training 2/1/13
First session of the new year, and I'm still sitting on the remnants of my hangover! Food intake from Monday until now is probably down to 50%, and carbs are very low. So essentially, this was a carb depleted, zero testosterone hangover session, which is definitely a training stupidity PB.
190x1 nice. Best rep of the day, which sucks!
220x3 heavy enough for today!
207.5x3x2 extremely rapid fatigue. First set was stupidly easy, second set was horrible!
Paused bench - not programmed, but felt like doing a token effort to grease the groove
bar x lots
120x3x3 easy
Paused RDL
This was the worst possible thing for my body in it's current state! Completely emptied my glycogen reserves, I literally felt a huge crash and was enjoying some cold sweats. As soon as I finished these I smashed my PWO shake down, and within about 15 minutes I felt awesome.
DB bench
40x6 - had PWO shake now
45x6x3 got much easier
Rows and pullups