icecold's training log

Serious deads there mate, crazy especially as they're paused

Post a video, so I can critique your form.....

Cheers brah, VHS of tonights sets in the post.

Btw, me and Dom are going to Brookes Uni gym on the 29th if you're interested. No worries if not, we'll coordinate some training in the new year.
Post Dominos back load weigh in: 85.4kg, a weeks low.

WTF? That's on top of my stupid dextrose shake and the exact same amount of food as any other day, in fact I ate more pre-training than usual.
Training 23/12/12

Comp paused bench
bar x lots
130x2 PB
132.5x2 PB
Hallelujah! Had concerns about benching, but this was awesome. Nice volume too. Oh, and this whole session is at a different gym. The bench is terrible, narrow and wobbly, so even more of a PB... ;)

bar x lots
170x2 very fast!
200x2 very easy. Hopefully this weeks gayness has gone. Right distal quad insertion is still mega tight which is biting me at depth though, so I keep cutting them a little high...
210x2 easy again!
222.5x2 PB! WTF?! Easily another rep there.
Was going to do some volume, but my quad was ****ed. Very pleased! Videos of the 210 and 222.5 later.

DB row

Narrow grip bench

Lat pull down

Leg press
A few very light sets of 12 to get my knee moving. Worked well with some stretching.
Awesome. Your training reminds me of Bruce Willis' character in Unbreakable, trying to find his 1RM and sticking literally anything he can find on the bar and still none the wiser. :cool:
Cheers chaps! It was nice to have things moving nicely for a change, even though some of my bench reps were hilarious and my right leg was doing all kinds of crazy things because of my quad.

Also, the squat rack was almost impossible for me to not clatter on my walk outs :/


Some interesting tekkers stuff going on, no doubt because of my quad...

I was previously unaware that my t-shirt had holes in... thanks youtube! <thumbsup>
Mock meet 27/12/12

bar x lots
190x1 - feeling a little ropey, right quad is tight and painful again
210x1 - bad walkout, rocked back onto my heels when I hit my stance. Slow rep, not smooth
220x1 - better, but high
230x1 PB :cool: depth still not perfect, but better than the 220. It's a bit hard to judge how high it is from the angle of the video, but it looks easy, possibly even double-able.

Very pleased! 7.5kg "season" PB, and I don't think I've hit my limit.

bar x lots
80x3 (comp paused from now on)
130x1 - very easy
140x1 - smooth off my chest, but the weird wobbly bench is making lowering it under control very hard
145xf - messed this up! More or less dropped it onto my chest. I would have tried it again given more time, and I'm reasonably confident of getting it on a non-**** bench. Dom had similar problems with high % weights, as did I doing my doubles on sunday, it was just that ~130kg was light enough to muscle up after messing up the negative.

bar x some
Gym closed :/ lol

Total: 590kg, only just got my wheels spinning on the deadlift.

Bodyweight: 85kg

Edit: that video is taking ages to upload...
Let us dispense with the superlatives because you know what you are, and how good you are. ;)

Your 230kg squat actually looked the best in terms of depth and stability. Which is strange, but pretty epic. :D

Awesome work.
:D Appreciated

Yeah it was a bit strange. I think I managed to ignore my quad pain the most on the 230. Obviously that depth isn't good enough for comp (I think the 190kg is actually similar, but the angles hide it), but I'm sure I can hit depth without being stapled. The stability was very hit and miss, and largely due to catching the rack on the walk out.
Nice lifting none the less.

On the 230 it looks like you started to twist on the way up, could this be where your left leg is weaker?

Also, mini hijack, how do you go about recouping a muscle tear?
If there is any twisting, it's because right right quad is currently all kinds of messed up. It's surprising that I can squat with it at all; after sitting at a desk for a while, trying to walk becomes a hilariously waddly event.

As for muscle tears, it depends. The ones I've had (hamstring and adductor) have done really well with high rep progressive loading (the 25 rep squats I did). Something in your shoulder or back would be trickier.

Is this for your weird ab pain?
That makes the squat that much more impressive lol. It looks like the right leg starts to take a lead on the way up.

Yeah the doc said it is most likely a strain, but I could have torn a few fibers.
That's probably me shifting the weight onto my left side, not ideal!

A strain typically includes a few torn fibres, it's not really anything to worry about. You could try some exercises that take the muscle through some kind of ROM, but slowly and without load. Pain isn't necessarily bad here, but use your judgement.
Lifts are looking good, shame you ran out of time on the deadlifts... I suspect you'd have gotten something pretty tasty otherwise.

Looks like a pretty crappy bench.
Deadlifts still aren't back to normal, but as long as I get 240 or more on comp day I'll be happy. If not, if I pick my weights badly, I might end up squatting more than I deadlift :/
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