What's the function of the wide grip bench pressing? More pec? I like the idea of NG close grip bench press.
Do you have 2 consecutive rest days at the moment? According to CBL I should back load as normal on the last rest day before training. So I back load tonight as I didn't train on Saturday either.
It's to shift emphasis to the pecs, which is to help with speed off the chest. In theory.
I've trained 4 days a week for a while now, mostly adding a Saturday as a catchup day. As you aren't really too bothered about maxing out the last few % of fat loss potential, you'd definitely be ok with moderate carb loading on all off days. Generally, I just have a normal dinner.
I bench pretty wide i find i get good pec and delt activation a lot less tricep. Becoming something of a hindrance to me these days tho. Will be interesting to discuss at the meet this weekend
Yeah I've grown to quite like it, I'm getting pretty strong with it too.
I forgot the meet was this weekend
Training 06/01/13
Laps around the track
Hamstrings and adductors say, "WTF is this ****?!"
Over-head warm up:
Pec mobility and soft tissue stuff
Band dislocations
Klokov press
OH squats
Platform was busy, so decided to do...
Behind the neck push press - aiming for very little press out
70x3 terrible, wake up glutes!
70x3 awesome
90x3 - easy on the way up, terrifying on the way down
That will do, and the platform is free
C&J - 1 clean per set
Felt pretty good, flailing was minimised after the first set. I have a video of the second to last set. Need to make sure I keep my speed up, but was pretty tired from taking short rests. I think I can increase this without worrying too much about form breakdowns. Need to work on cleans separately too.
Snatch shrug
Power snatch
Ran out of time. These were a lot less pretty than the jerks, but better than I feared they'd be. Video of first set is pretty bad! "Jumping" too early, zero extension, and my back wasn't flat. Very easy though. Going to stick with 40kg until it's perfect.
super setted with snatch, oh yes.