That'a exactly how I'd be if I didn't make the effort not to. Being motivated by years of snapped up Iliterallydon'tevenlift helps!Bro i seriously mire how in tune with your body you are (nohomo)
I'm more like
Did i snap? Y/N
If N continue.
Have you tried smolov jr for bench? You've not benched frequently until you've done that!I don't find BS 5x5 particular great for bench or deadlifts but I usually get ridiculous gains on my squats which I love more than any other exercise. If I didn't enjoy a bit of variation I'd happily spend my life on Smolov though
It did indeed. Completely wrote off 531 as a concept when my leg fell off but I'm more open to it again now I've had time to reflect. I think I just misjudged how much the 5x10 rep scheme of the BBB variation would take out of me and tried pushing myself further than my body would allow. No reason why other variations would have the same effect and wouldn't provide gains though.
Yep, I don't know anyone that's had anything but negative experiences from BBB. I have no idea why he recommends it at all.