Training 12/04/13
Ended up getting to the gym quite late today, but I was never going to be quick. I'd planned lots of mobility, with some lighter stuff for my lower body because I wanted to be fresh for squatting. Well, that didn't go to plan! I got distracted while doing my "mild" glute stretching and ended up doing almost 5 mins on one side
had to then even it up, but I strongly suspected that I'd successfully switched off some kind of important squatting muscles. ****!
bar x lots
100x5 - flexible as ****, but can already feel the difference in drive out of the bottom
140x5 meh
160x1 kind of better...?
180x1 messy rep, but there was
some drive
195x5 not bad, slow reps but they felt easy. Short-ish rest into
195x5 harder, slower, but still not bad
195x5 groce. Cut one of these just shy of parallel because I was feeling zero power
buried the last one to make up for it, but fuark! These three sets were done fairly quickly, but I needed a break before I did any more. Stupid glutes.
195x5 better!
195x5 worse again! lols. Becoming quite a mental battle
195x5 strangely better again, and the last rep was easy and fast. Wtf?
In summary: don't fatigue your hamstrings with a new exercise in the same week you're doing some stupid squat volume, and don't do a huge amount of static stretching on your glutes. They did REALLY need it though.
bar x lots
60x5 dreamy. Might sound retarded but historically I've needed weight to help set my shoulders back. Not today!
97.5x5x5 awesome. Last three sets were done in 5 mins because I ran out of time. I might actually be on for a cheeky bench PB after all of this messing about. These were stupidly comfortable, and the tension and activation I'm now getting across my mid back is so much better than it's ever been.
Also, collapse.
Also, time for about 2000kcals.