icecold's training log

Glad to see I'm not the only one who suffers from leg doms, mines always primarily my 'upper' hamstring, stupid thing
Looks like a good session, board presses look strong!

You had a sec to think about my post on deadlifts?
Glad to see I'm not the only one who suffers from leg doms, mines always primarily my 'upper' hamstring, stupid thing
Mine have been mostly in my lower quads above my knees.

To be honest, DOMS this long is probably indicative of jacked up tissue quality!
Looks like a good session, board presses look strong!

You had a sec to think about my post on deadlifts?
Yeah I'm hoping to add steadily more to board presses. They should be a lot stronger than my bench, whereas at the moment I could probably have done those weights.

Sorry I completely forgot to post about it, busy week! Before I do, you could investigate some of the common deadlift programmes:
2nd link looks interesting, and would certainly kick my butt. Have you given that one ago?
Doing heavy squats along side that doesn't look very feasible though. I guess it's hard to heavy squat and deadlift continuously.
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Mine have been mostly in my lower quads above my knees.

To be honest, DOMS this long is probably indicative of jacked up tissue quality!

In my case, it more than likely IS the issue as you know :D

It's basically hammies, then moves in to my lower groin at a guess? Can't explain it.

Also had lower quad pain/doms last week above my right knee, normally after squats - Tends to go after a few days though.
I saw you recommend working a lower % for deadlifts and still make strength gains. I'm trying to figure out how to put something together for deadlifts and not really sure. Lifting at too high % is very taxing and so I don't think my usual approach is optimal.

I also thought about doing deadlifts after squats on Monday, because deadlifting fatigued is how it normally goes down at a meet.

Second point first.

Deadlifting after your main squat session is pretty popular, but probably something you'd have to try to see if you got on with it. There would definitely be room for a "legs" assistance day too.

The first point is kind of more important though. As a guy who is now quite advanced in his training age you can't just smash yourself with small fluctuations of high percentage work every week. It's not even a case of accumulating too much fatigue (well, that is part of it), it's that your body will not adapt in such a way as to give you a bigger 1 rep max.

There are MANY ways of dealing with this, the simplest being to not max out on deads or squats and to programme increases within a range that sits lower down the percentage scale (not going above 90% on deads, for example).
So essentially reduce the % and do more volume, being progressively loaded obviously. Is there any room for high % work or is that only really useful for peaking?
Nope, not necessarily more volume either. Remember that fatigue is not a perfect approximation for training effect induced adaptation.

On the other side of that particular coin, however, is that it is possible to lift at a relatively high percentage if you slash the volume.
OK for example I could do 190x5x3 deadlifts, even if I could be doing 210x5x3?

I've actually never thought about why I pick the weights I do. The approach I have now is 'the heaviest weight I can do for desired reps x set, then add some more next time'.

I guess my training is do heavy, less volume or do less weight, more volume. I tend to think about not selling myself short in terms of 'I could lift more'.

I'd be interested to know how you pick your weights :)

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Too lazy to log!


For reasons known only to my retarded body, loosening up some stuff in my quads/knee allowed my to load my right adductor in a way that it wasn't happy with. So, had to abort this days squats. It just feels really tight, and over the weekend you could literally see the contours of jacked up fascia... not good!

This is definitely an indication that I need to stop using pain as a measure of whether my adductors are ok or not. Annoyingly, there dosen't seem to be a huge amount of stretches that actually expose the tight bits. More mobility planning needing.

The rest went something like this:

Short rest paused bench
warm ups

warm ups
Still feeling easy. Not complaining!

Sacked off pull throughs too just in case.


Got to the gym quite late so had to rush through this!

Paused deads
warm ups

Machine row
some pins x12x4

Pull ups
some x some


Adductor still a phaggot. Took advantage of the nice weather (training just after midday, bank holiday gains) and did a thorough warm up outside. Shoulders felt awesome, but as I started doing my paused squats my adductor was complaining. I decided that I was basically going to run my first week again, so my programme isn't too messed up provided that I can squat on friday.

Not much to do without squats, but here it was:

Short rest paused bench
warm ups
Lovely! All kinds of pumps

I'm sure I did some kind of row here to fill out the day, can't remember what it was.

Wide grip bench
Also good. These really challenge my scap mechanics so the fact that they are moving well is a good sign.

BB curls

DB curls

Training 29/05/13

Not sure how today was going to go as I really don't want to load up my adductor before it's ready. The last thing I need is to turn some minor snappage into a tear.

Deads (short rests)
bar x lots
60x10 did these as slow deads instead of RDLs to make sure that I was properly warm.
100x5 slow deadsx4 +1 fast
140x5 as above
200x1 feeling ok so far
217.5x5 token increase over last week to be careful, but felt significantly easier
205x5 good
then my adductor tightened up so I stopped. Not bad, but not great. Spent ages making sure my adductor didn't seize up, and it didn't.

Board bench
122.5x5 PB
Couple of messier reps because I was rushing.

Deadlift stance good mornings
150x6 PB
Some minor pulling on my adductor, but I think these actually helped.

Tricep stuff

So not a complete write off over the last few sessions, but I really need to get on top of my timing and get my stupid adductors completely fixed. Undoing a lifetime of gash loading, fun times.
Training 31/05/13

Still can't squat :( Did 4 sets of 25 reps of weird stance leg pressing with my knees out as far as possible to try and get some blood through my adductors. Kind of worked. Did loads of stuff with bands and lots of stretching.

Short rest paused bench
bar x lots
120x3 why do these reps feel harder? Is the bar misloaded? Yes, yes it is. Did 2 reps of 110 immediately to compensate
Well these weren't getting any harder so I stopped there. It's fair to say that bench has improved! These are still meant to be easy sets, and I only stopped the 120 set on the 3rd rep because it felt different. Some kind of stupidity rep PB

Pull throughs
some x some

OHP (all strict)
bar x 10
70x6 PB
Gains! Feels so strange and alien to set any kind of pressing PB.

70x22 fatigue!

Lateral raises (<60 second rest)

Face pulls

If you ignore the squatting, it was a great session. However, I can't ignore the squatting :(
Do your adductors take a beasting because of your wide stance? I hardly ever feel a thing in the adductors unless they are tight.

Liking the amount of benching!
It's partly that, but my physio also says that the tissue is so jacked up that it has to be from chronic misuse. He speculated that in my days of being more athletic I was sprinting with some rotation in my femurs that caused my adductors to take the job of my hamstrings. My body is an idiot!

I'm going to try again tomorrow, and see if I can do some high bar.
Training 01/06/13

Warmed up outside by the track in the sun. This, while awesome, can be a massive time sponge when the bros are all out and chatting. **** you social life, gimmie dem gains.

Still nope. Did several high bar sets with 60kg but the tightness was still creeping in at the end.

Long pause deads - knew I would have to work around my adductor and go light, but I NEEDED to do some kind of big lift
bar x lots
That'll do.

Machine row

Roll outs

Band face pulls

Well that's annoying. Going to take two weeks off all lower body work and replace that gym time with millions of mobility. Bugger.

I won't be doing much lower body on holiday for 2 weeks if that makes you feel any better. Pure sun gains.
Training 03/06/13

Mobility stuff

Short rest bench
bar x lots

Wide grip bench

Medium amounts

Farmers walks
46kg per hand x~60m there and back x4 with not enough rest = gassed

Well that was a lot of benching. I think I need to pick me weights better, this is getting silly.
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