The lord blessed me with these dancers hips, who am I to deny the bros a show? <3
Training 14/08/13
Messed up sleep last night, which I never respond well to.
Squat warmup
bar x lots
140x2 - hnnnnnnng these were so fast
180x1 - same again. Best they've ever moved
220x1 - in light of everything moving well, I skipped 200kg. This was a mistake as although this still moved quickly, everything else was bad
245x3 PB, but ****. Meant to be 5 reps. First rep was fine, but then the bar rolled. Set up was then poor for the second rep and the bar moved away from me loading up my lumbar erectors far more than they are used to. 3rd rep was terrible, so I cut the set short. Sacked off the rest after a few mins rest too. ALSO, this is when I realised that I'd left my belt one notch too loose.
Board bench - *sigh* This was off to a bad start when I discovered that the board was missing. WHO STEALS A SMALL PIECE OF WOOD?! Managed to sort something out with a thinner piece of wood and a plate, lols.
bar x lots
110x1 with board, which more or less works
130x2 very comfortable
140x2 PB, but again, ****. Everyone was busy so one of the new gym bros kindly offered to lift off for me. He'd done the 130 too and was fine, but he overestimated how much extra he would have to do here. Shoulder popped out on the lift off and I had to fight to keep control. In the end I decided it wasn't worth the risk.
130x5 fine, but I now know when to rest my shoulder before it gets bad so I stopped here.
DL stance GMs
165x5 PB
Erectors seem mostly fine, which is good news. These are definitely one of the most taxing exercises I do. I basically hate them.
CGBP - lighter with short rests to keep my shoulder safe
All good.
Tricep cable stuff
Frustrating session. After the messed up top set of deadlifts I still felt really strong and was very temped to try again, but the fatigue in my erectors convinced me otherwise. But I shouldn't be forgetting basic stuff like belt tightness, and I'm definitely going to warm up more thoroughly so that I don't forget how to move when I use salts. Board press is less annoying, at least the 130x5 was a good set.