Time for a unplanned deload? Don't want that hanging about with the comp no doubt.
260 with mild flu PB, damn mireful!
260 with mild flu PB, damn mireful!
It's always been worse for me, as I've never been able to get my shoulders in the right position afterwards. I wouldn't have thought training it would make it better, but it seems to be!Pardon the dumb question, but does "no lift off" mean that you have to unrack the bar yourself?
If so, I never thought this would make too much of a difference (shows what I know!)...? Either way, nice numbers - I haven't tried "strength benching" for ages, so your warmups are still pretty awesome.
Tasty. So tasty. Like, finger linking good tasty.
Those feels when all benching is no lift off benching.
Such feelszzzzz
Grunts, soon.jpg
Yeah I lift on Sunday.Is it this weekend?
Do you get 3 attempts at each lift?
CheersCool. Good luck.
That would be cool, although my lifting is going to be completely unremarkable compared to the rest of my weight class!Wish I was going! Even as the official camera man or something!