Icelandic Volcanic Eruption - Significant Disruption to UK Flights


OMG call the fire brigade, there is dust on my car..

My cars always get covered in a thick coating of pollen at this time of year. If anything, it's not as bad as it has been in previous years...
Im stuck in Mexico City. Got half way home on wed night when the thing erupted, we were overhead miami and turned round back to mexico. Stuck here until god knows when, got an aircraft just cant fly it anywhere.
Latest from NATS.

Statement on Icelandic volcanic eruption: Saturday April 17, 2045

The volcanic ash cloud from Iceland is moving around and changing shape. Based on the latest information from the Met Office, NATS advises that the restrictions currently in place across UK controlled airspace will remain in place until at least 1300 (UK time) tomorrow, Sunday 18 April.

We will continue to monitor Met Office information and review our arrangements in line with that. We will advise further arrangements at approximately 0300 (UK time), Sunday 18 April.
From tonights KLM test flight:

Het is genoeg geweest. Het heeft nu lang genoeg geduurd, we willen vliegen”, aldus KLM-topman Hartman. ,,Vanmorgen zijn in Duitsland enkele proefvluchten uitgevoerd tussen Munchen en Frankfurt. Er blijkt niets aan de hand”, aldus de KLM-baas.
Volgens Hartman zeggen ook onderzoekers van NASA dat de concentratie stofdeeltjes meevalt en waarschijnlijk geen gevaar oplevert voor de luchtvaart.
,,Tot onze ergernis viel er niet over te praten. We smeken daarom nu bij Eurocontrol in Brussel om weer te mogen vliegen, maar tot dusver krijgen we geen toestemming”, aldus een gefrustreerde Hartman.
Volgens de KLM-baas zal het toest direct na aankomst uitgebreid geïnspecteerd worden. ,,Wanneer er niets aan de hand is kunnen kort daarna vanuit verre bestemmingen ook toestellen met passagiers aan de reis naar Europa gaan beginnen.”
Indien dat het geval is zullen waarschijnlijk morgen ook andere maatschappijen hun dienstregeling van en naar Schiphol weer willen opstarten.

And Google Translate says:

Enough is enough. It has now lasted long enough, we want to fly, "said Mr. Hartman Hartman. 'This morning in Germany a few test flights between Munich and Frankfurt. There seems nothing wrong, "said KLM boss.
According to researchers at NASA Hartman said that the concentration of particles easy task and probably not a hazard to aviation.
'To our annoyance was not about to talk. We beg therefore now at Eurocontrol in Brussels to fly again, but so far we get permission, "said a frustrated Hartman.
According to KLM boss will send immediately upon arrival extensively inspected. "When nothing is wrong may soon then from long-haul aircraft with passengers even on the journey to Europe's go."
If so is likely tomorrow other companies their schedules to and from Schiphol weather to boot.
Both the incidents involving aircraft being seriously damaged by volcano ash (BA Flight 9 and some other one in 1989) involved the aircraft passing more less right by the volcano..
What about the F18 hornets that showed signs of damage earlier on in the thread?

Could be pockets that are denser than others? Is it worth the risk?
I didn't say its the end of the world. :rolleyes:

Just showing that there's volcanic ash/dust about, even in the South of England.

Of course it wouldn't be anything to do with the fact that it hasn't rained for a few weeks and the ground is actually dry and dusty of course!

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