Id hit it pictures

Bes said:
Why do they NEED keeping under control? Why is it us mere mortals who decides whether we NEED to control their numbers?

you would rather have a species give birth to a population too large for their environment and have them starve to death, then to have them 'kept under control' in a humane way, so that they dont need to starve (and starvation is right up there in the list of not nice ways to die)?

we dont NEED to keep any animal under control, but sometimes its more humane then letting them get to the point where they run out of food and starve.
How did we get from I'd hit it pictures to a debate on the ethical aspects of controlling birth rates... only in OcUK, it would seem.
Azagoth said:
Not funny :mad: .
^TANK^ said:
Not funny :mad: .

Its a light hearted joke chill out :rolleyes:

If anything the world trade centre was more offensive , however its a joke pic and traet as such its funny ............ even if a abit close to the bone :p
^TANK^ said:
Not funny :mad: .

Oh for God's sake, forget about it. Move on. It's funny that more people found this offensive than the 9/11 thing [which wasn't that offensive anyway]. I imagine if we had a "I'd hit it [paedophile related]" picture that would have garnered far more negative remarks than the death of 3,000 Americans. Funny where the nerve lies. It's all a little imbalanced.

Anyway, back on with the thread!!

Whats the point of this post? As funny as some of the pictures are; I must be missing something major here.... Is this some form of wierd "Id Hit It" Cult?
Toryglen-boy said:
for some reason, this made me feel physically sick


this is aimed at ALL the people saying that pic is sick, not just you.

do you guys eat meat? or condon fox hunting, or game hunting?

isn't that just as sick as some of the barbaric ways in which we kill animals in our society? :o
Lysander said:
Oh for God's sake, forget about it. Move on. It's funny that more people found this offensive than the 9/11 thing [which wasn't that offensive anyway]. I imagine if we had a "I'd hit it [paedophile related]" picture that would have garnered far more negative remarks than the death of 3,000 Americans. Funny where the nerve lies. It's all a little imbalanced.

Anyway, back on with the thread!!

i think it's possibly because the americans can deffend themselves, and are currently doing just that(or seeking retribution what ever), but a kid really can't defend itself, much the same way as a seal can't defend itself

thus giving it the pity value, i don't think the seal image was very tasteful at all, parhaps some day someone will hit you with a pick axe (not aimed at person i am quoting (necessarily)) and let me be the first to post it up ;)
Havana_UK said:
Can none of you see that it's not actually a club, but a loop to catch the seal like animal control officers use for dangerous dogs, or people who catch aligators in Florida?



you're wrong, he's about to club it mercylessly to death, watch the rise against; ready to fall music video, you'll see it happening on that :o
bringerofdecay said:
this is aimed at ALL the people saying that pic is sick, not just you.

do you guys eat meat? or condon fox hunting, or game hunting?

isn't that just as sick as some of the barbaric ways in which we kill animals in our society? :o

You've just reminded me of something.

A couple years ago I was in Brussels in a restaurant. The short version is that I was with some American friends and we were reading through the menu when I noticed 'paard', which is horse. I was interested in the dish but one of my American friends was shocked that the restaurant was serving horse and told me not to have it. Rather than making a scene and engaging in an argument I cooperated and had the salmon or something. My friend still tells the story of how I was going to have the horse and she righteously stopped me [which is slightly annoying].

The point of this is: why do one thing and not the other. She was a meat-eater and eating cow, pig, lamb, chicken is no different in principle to eating any other animal. The only reason she thought it was wrong as because she was unused to the idea of eating horse. It's very hypocritical.

I think that the people arguing about the seal picture have a right to disapprove of the image but I'm sure some of the steaks they eat, some of the leather shoes they wear etc have come from animals that at one point were treated very cruelly.

I come from another school of thought which says it's important to laugh at tragedy - maybe even to humiliate it. Don't taunt the victims or the victim's families, but the concept of the tragedy itself. What is tragedy for anyway? It must have some purpose. You could either let it get on top of you or you could recognise some tragic acts as absurd on their face because that's exactly what they are. You can still appreciate the gravity of something by laughing at it - in fact, maybe that's a better way to deal with it since you're not letting it get the better of you. It's possible to be bigger than circumstance.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but that's the position I generally uphold.
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