Id hit it pictures

SunaseIPs said:


Cue music "Hit me with your rhythmn stick, HIT ME HIT ME"

lol...this is a seal, walrusses are anatomically different :rolleyes:
I smell bandwagoning. Someone does something that is mildly offensive, someone calls the guy on it, everyone else jumps on him for the sake of it cause they can.

Unless someone had a family member / close friend die in 9/11 or has extreme judgement on seal killing like protesting and members of stuff like the RSPCA and takes action on such things, then why are some of you moaning, other than the 20 seconds you spent typing your posts on the subject, will you even care 5 minutes later? Hypocrisy I say.
Lysander said:
The point of this is: why do one thing and not the other. She was a meat-eater and eating cow, pig, lamb, chicken is no different in principle to eating any other animal. The only reason she thought it was wrong as because she was unused to the idea of eating horse. It's very hypocritical.

because the livestock we(you...not me :p) eat is just that, livestock, meaningless and mindless according to many, but as a working animal in much of the american, and english countries the horse is considered above livestock, as it has meaning, i think that is why some people have trouble breaking the barrier, and cannot condon the eating of it, it's largely similar with pets, some countries eat dogs/cats/guinea pigs, but if you asked a westerner if they would try some you would get an almost uniform reply of 'no'

Lysander said:
I think that the people arguing about the seal picture have a right to disapprove of the image but I'm sure some of the steaks they eat, some of the leather shoes they wear etc have come from animals that at one point were treated very cruelly.

i think me and ^TANK^ are veggies, and as such are the only ones who have a reason to complain :D

all you meat eating pussys need to sort yourselves out, either it's ok to destroy life for your benefit, or it isn't, only you can decide

flibby said:
I smell bandwagoning. Someone does something that is mildly offensive, someone calls the guy on it, everyone else jumps on him for the sake of it cause they can.

read above
Lysander said:

well I agree with you :)

People seem to forget that it wasn't that long ago we'd take anything edible to survive, but nowadays people have a mindset which deems some animals ok to eat and others not. why is the life of a cow worth any less than say a cat? Cows have come to be used as livestock because it's relatively easy to make this happen (in comparison to other animals that would require meat in their diet), they provide other resources (milk, leather) and they don't have much other use for humans (unlike a horse which can work). To me this doesn't make a cow's life worth less than that of a cat or a horse.

As someone has already referred to other societies have different preferences, whether stemming from religion or culture, but I think it's a little bit ignorant to say things along the lines of "eating that animal is sick" without ever trying it. Some religions would say eating a cow or a pig is sick.

On another note I wonder how many vegetarians consider how many insects are killed through the use of pesticides, or do they all eat organic? Maybe by distancing themselves another step from the process it doesn't seem as bad, but in today's world it's fairly impossible that everyone's actions (having a house, driving a car, buying material goods) is causing a loss of habitat and causing animals to die. It's inevitable. Surely it's logical to care more for larger ecosystem processes and sustaining our resources (even if that means controlling populations of certian species), rather than the individual animals.

You've got to laugh at how much attention is been given to the seal as oppose to the 9/11 reference. What's that about?
The Mad Rapper said:
I agree. Let's start with you.

surely we'd start with texas, followed by the rest of the american (USA) continent? :D

edit:oh, and wasn't your post kind of meaningless one liner you're moaning about in the other thread?
Chinook said:
On another note I wonder how many vegetarians consider how many insects are killed through the use of pesticides, or do they all eat organic? Maybe by distancing themselves another step from the process it doesn't seem as bad, but in today's world it's fairly impossible that everyone's actions (having a house, driving a car, buying material goods) is causing a loss of habitat and causing animals to die. It's inevitable. Surely it's logical to care more for larger ecosystem processes and sustaining our resources (even if that means controlling populations of certian species), rather than the individual animals.

Or how many natural animal habitats have been destroyed to make room for a field to grow potatos in? Buy that's indirect killing of animals, so guess that doens't count :rolleyes:
I see the PC brigade is out.

For reference, I found the Seal one and the 9/11 one funny. How you can laugh/compain at one and not the other is very hipocritical.

It's a joke, chill out.
I had a very deep, meaningfull and well thought out argument detailing both sides of the Seal Cull argument.

However I'm at work, no time to post, so you'll have to make do with this....


they make the dance floor smell of fish

Lysander said:
You've just reminded me of something.

A couple years ago I was in Brussels in a restaurant. The short version is that I was with some American friends and we were reading through the menu when I noticed 'paard', which is horse. I was interested in the dish but one of my American friends was shocked that the restaurant was serving horse and told me not to have it. Rather than making a scene and engaging in an argument I cooperated and had the salmon or something. My friend still tells the story of how I was going to have the horse and she righteously stopped me [which is slightly annoying].

The point of this is: why do one thing and not the other. She was a meat-eater and eating cow, pig, lamb, chicken is no different in principle to eating any other animal. The only reason she thought it was wrong as because she was unused to the idea of eating horse. It's very hypocritical.

I think that the people arguing about the seal picture have a right to disapprove of the image but I'm sure some of the steaks they eat, some of the leather shoes they wear etc have come from animals that at one point were treated very cruelly.

I come from another school of thought which says it's important to laugh at tragedy - maybe even to humiliate it. Don't taunt the victims or the victim's families, but the concept of the tragedy itself. What is tragedy for anyway? It must have some purpose. You could either let it get on top of you or you could recognise some tragic acts as absurd on their face because that's exactly what they are. You can still appreciate the gravity of something by laughing at it - in fact, maybe that's a better way to deal with it since you're not letting it get the better of you. It's possible to be bigger than circumstance.

I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but that's the position I generally uphold.

I respect and appreciate what your saying, especially with regards to using humour as a coping mechanism. Thats all well and good. But when that "id hit it" picture of the twin towers or the seal was made; it was made to attempt humour by controversy. It failed in my view and I won't budge on that.

Has anyone discovered their family pet dead/dieing in the road and had to see to injuries they suffered under a cars wheels. I have (dieing, in a lot of pain). Imagine your pet rabbits or dogs skull cracking under the force of a wooden bat across the head? Perhaps the first hit didn't work so a second is needed. If you've ever hit your head hard or been punched even; do you remember the dizzying confusion. The blurred vision and giddiness. The fear that you might have REALLY hurt yourself and given your self a head injury. I've had it. I know what kind of fear an animal feels facing that.

When 9/11 happened, you might recall 2994 people died, and a good friend of mine working in a building next to the towers at the time could very well have been killed. I'm not bandwagoning when I think of the difference his death could have made to his own and my family. It saddens me greatly to think of the effects the victims families did suffer.

flibby said:
Unless someone had a family member / close friend die in 9/11 or has extreme judgement on seal killing like protesting and members of stuff like the RSPCA and takes action on such things, then why are some of you moaning, other than the 20 seconds you spent typing your posts on the subject, will you even care 5 minutes later? Hypocrisy I say.

Any one who has not experienced such things still has the capacity to empathise and feel sympathy. Don't be so cynical for thinking people are bandwagoning for the sake of killing some time or to enjoy a bit of forum banter.

Is that OK? Do you understand now? Why does it need to be made so graphic for some people to engage their brain for a second? Both are in appalling taste and it is disrespectful to the dead to attempt to make any kind of light out of it.

An inevitable counter-argument is freedom of speach. I fully support that, except where the material is un-useful (humouring people for 10 seconds doesn't count) and needlessly offensive. If your consoling a friend/relative over something thats made them sad; you don't tell them a joke about it do you? It's like when in your church/temple or assembly at primary school and you have the giggles. You bite your tongue.
Havana_UK said:
Can none of you see that it's not actually a club, but a loop to catch the seal like animal control officers use for dangerous dogs, or people who catch aligators in Florida?



lol so not true!
paddy said:
I had a very deep, meaningfull and well thought out argument detailing both sides of the Seal Cull argument.

However I'm at work, no time to post, so you'll have to make do with this....


they make the dance floor smell of fish


yeah and they clog up the bar and steel all the women :mad:


Can we give up on the moralistic whining and get back to the amusing "I'd hit it" pictures please?

If you want to complain about 9/11 or seal clubbing, start your own thread :p
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