idiot american missionary killed by natives

Can you think of another reason?

Forcing a bunch of people to live as savages makes us feel/look better, it's like a zoo exhibit. It's sad that people are made to live like that in the 21st century (hell it was sad in the 20th century), if you took a couple hundred people and dumped them on an island then forced them to live without technology/healthcare/education there would be outcry, yet we force these people to live like it's 6000 BC just because they never "got smarts" when the rest o mankind did. These are people, humans, they deserve basic human dignity/respect.

If you introduced them to the swathe of modern pathogens in the wider population, they would all die.

Pretty good reason.

Plus they have made it extremely clear they *they do not want* and outside contact.
Given I was recently diagnosed as one of the 1/4 people who have mental health issues these days and that we would probably kill them with physical ailments anyway, dragging them kicking and screaming into the modern world is grossly unfair and dangerous.
Can you think of another reason?

Forcing a bunch of people to live as savages makes us feel/look better, it's like a zoo exhibit. It's sad that people are made to live like that in the 21st century (hell it was sad in the 20th century), if you took a couple hundred people and dumped them on an island then forced them to live without technology/healthcare/education there would be outcry, yet we force these people to live like it's 6000 BC just because they never "got smarts" when the rest o mankind did. These are people, humans, they deserve basic human dignity/respect.

Woosh, right over your head!

We are not "keeping" them there, they already where there not wish to be disturbed, they wish to be left alone.

We as in "modern society" trying to invade their island and inforce our standards would result in the destruction of their way of life and certain death for most of not all as they have no acquired immunity from common diseases.
Personally I find it kind of strange that it's allowed.

I mean, I can sort of "get" the not wanting to interfere, "prime directive" type ****, etc. But at the end of the day these are human beings we're talking about not zoo exhibits, they would never choose to live as backwards savages if they had the option (unless they're insane) and its not like they lack intelligence due to still being neanderthals or any crap like that. I just find it puzzling that we take children away from unfit parents yet we allow an entire group of people to live like it's 6000 BC just because it makes us feel superior.

If they don’t know any better, ie. what advances in technology the outside world has then I’m not sure they would choose to live as we do

Maybe in their eyes They have something we don’t have , true freedom within their own world bar whatever hierarchical system their culture has

In some ways they may have a more fulfilling life than those in the modern world , hunt, eat, breed, not slaves to industry and commerce, etc. I’m not sure how imposing our way of life has many benefits unless their would really love to have the latest iPhone
appropriate username there :D

I love it when the post content to username ratio is just so :D

Let's just open a McDonals and Primark, then lend them a load of cash on credit cards to get fat and pollute their island with plastic rubbish. That sounds like a good idea and the humane thing to do
In some ways they may have a more fulfilling life than those in the modern world , hunt, eat, breed, not slaves to industry and commerce, etc. I’m not sure how imposing our way of life has many benefits unless their would really love to have the latest iPhone

A documentary I watched many years ago focused how 'man' spent his time working/hunting etc and the people who came out on top were these tribes where they spent about 1 hour hunting and then the rest of the day they could get on with drinking, dancing, playing and bonking.
We have so much to learn in the West.
They're living how humans have lived for thousands of years. The right way of doing it, really. We should be so lucky.
Some people really do hate our western way of life so much, that they consider subsistence farming, probably dying young of some totally curable virus or whatever, or getting an infected finger... that you'd rather live like a forgotten tribe on some island.

This self-hating attitude that the liberals are pushing... it goes something like, "Every other (non-white) culture is superior to western culture. We should eradicate our own culture and respect the (much less forgiving/tolerant/advanced) cultures that non-whites have. We suck and we should all hate ourselves. La la la."

We have so much to learn in the West.

We... did.

We then proceeded to realise that we couldn't live as savages for the rest of our existence just to have a rock or disease wipe us out when we could very well defeat such things, maybe on a individualistic level their lifestyle is mildly entertaining, but the reality is it's going extinct for a reason, because something objectively better won.

Until we've achieved near permanent ability to survive as a species, this awkward nostalgia is worthless.
A documentary I watched many years ago focused how 'man' spent his time working/hunting etc and the people who came out on top were these tribes where they spent about 1 hour hunting and then the rest of the day they could get on with drinking, dancing, playing and bonking.
We have so much to learn in the West.

Likely so they could procreate before they died at 28 or before.
This self-hating attitude that the liberals are pushing... it goes something like, "Every other (non-white) culture is superior to western culture. We should eradicate our own culture and respect the (much less forgiving/tolerant/advanced) cultures that non-whites have. We suck and we should all hate ourselves. La la la."


Imagine spending so much time on the internet and being so detached from actual day to day life and reality that you manage to genuinely convince yourself that this is how all liberals think.

Amazing post, just amazing.
Imagine spending so much time on the internet and being so detached from actual day to day life and reality that you manage to genuinely convince yourself that this is how all liberals think.

Amazing post, just amazing.
Well every single policy that "liberals" advocate advances that goal, even if that goal is (obviously) not explicitly stated.

But when all of your actions have the end result along those lines (destruction and replacement of western culture/civilisation with imported culture and values), then you have to believe this is what they want.

It's what all this "diversity" is about. It's why it's now completely acceptable - fashionable, even - to say things like "I hate white men". And for this to not be a crime, but in fact applauded as "brave", because it's directed at the natives, who are now the target of the "liberals".

Liberals are completely dedicated to the utter destruction of western civilisation. And yes, I do believe this.
Well every single policy that "liberals" advocate advances that goal, even if that goal is (obviously) not explicitly stated.

But when all of your actions have the end result along those lines (destruction and replacement of western culture/civilisation with imported culture and values), then you have to believe this is what they want.

It's what all this "diversity" is about. It's why it's now completely acceptable - fashionable, even - to say things like "I hate white men". And for this to not be a crime, but in fact applauded as "brave", because it's directed at the natives, who are now the target of the "liberals".

Liberals are completely dedicated to the utter destruction of western civilisation. And yes, I do believe this.

I know you genuinely believe it, that's why its so funny.
So has there been a decision what to do with these savages?
Has white man decided we should storm over there and force them to watch TV, play XBox and join OCUK forums?

This ought to be a poll with a few alternatives, it would be interesting to see the results.
Personally I find it kind of strange that it's allowed.
I mean, I can sort of "get" the not wanting to interfere, "prime directive" type ****, etc. But at the end of the day these are human beings we're talking about not zoo exhibits, they would never choose to live as backwards savages if they had the option (unless they're insane) and its not like they lack intelligence due to still being neanderthals or any crap like that. I just find it puzzling that we take children away from unfit parents yet we allow an entire group of people to live like it's 6000 BC just because it makes us feel superior.

What?!?! Are you serious? Allowed...?

I expect no one is keeping them like that, certainly not as some sort of exhibit, maybe they have chosen to remain true to their ancestors and ancient ways? Why should they reject what they have always known, just because the rest of the world has progressed - it's that mindset (partially) that helped to convince this American chap to head there.

The thing is, these people probably don't know anything about the modern world, about all of the advances made, they may not even have any contact with the outside world - when they do see boats, planes and trespassers; they probably view them in the same way we would an alien spacecraft.

I think it's great that they are protected by law, as it leaves them in peace, the same should be possible for other such lost tribes - why should every single human on this earth, be expected to keep up with the centuries and developments they bring? Shouldn't these people not have the right to do what they like?

To help you with your puzzle:

We take children away from unfit parents, as those parents are living in a modern society; and they would (you would hope) have had the teachings (from parents and education) to understand what is right, wrong, acceptable and unacceptable. So abusing or neglecting a child, is not only in clear breach of the laws, it goes against all of the things you are taught as a civilized person.

Whereas these people, assuming they are indeed a lost tribe (I've not followed this 100%), don't know about 'our world' and all of the laws and social graces we have developed. But that doesn't put them into the same league as someone neglecting their child :confused: They have (again assuming they're a lost tribe) been living and surviving for hundreds, maybe thousands of years without any issues - so they must be doing something right! And no doubt have plenty of their own systems and social constructs, which we might not even be able to comprehend.

As for 'allowing' the group to live like it's 6000 BC to make us feel superior - Really? Do you not think that people are just trying to protect them, from the encroachment of the modern world, and that it's not all about trying to feel superior? I find it amazing that there may be many lost tribes out there, harking back to a world long gone, and anything that can be done to protect them, should.
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